HFD Practices Ice Rescues

Holliston Reporter

While many Hollistonians were reading the Sunday paper and sitting in a warm home, Holliston’s firefighters were practicing their ice rescue techniques at a mostly frozen Lake Winthrop.

Deputy Chief Dellicker leads the way.

Deputy Chief Mark Dellicker led by example, putting on a dry suit to complete a successful rescue. When asked if the suit was really dry, he said, “it is as long as you don’t put your face in the water.”

Firefigther Rich Coughlin follows the Deputy’s example. His line is secured by CPT Tim Costello and CPT John Murphy acts as his backup. Note the floatation devices on all the landlubbers – just in case.
The rescuer lays flat to distribute his weight over a bigger surface area to avoid falling through the ice.
Another successful rescue. LT Rich Rossini gets special thanks for being the victim who got to be in the water while the practice took place.
The group gathered to plan and review each rescue.
CPT Murphy prepares the sled which is also used during ice rescues.
In addition to these vehicles, two Holliston ambulances were on scene – just in case.

The ice was not thick enough for skating – but just right for training. Thank you Holliston firefighters for continuing to hone your skills – just in case they’re needed.

Click here to see a photo album of all the pictures from Sunday’s outing -> https://www.facebook.com/pg/HollistonReportercom-155733254139/photos/?tab=album&album_id=10157926511659140

Publishers’ note: Although not part of the planned training, the toy truck on the ice captured in some of Yvette’s photos was safely returned to shore.

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