Holliston High School Athletic Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony

Tickets are now available for the second annual Holliston High School Athletic Hall of Fame Induction
Ceremony to be held Saturday, March 23, 2024 at 6PM at the DoubleTree Hotel in Milford.

Scheduled for induction are former baseball coach Harvey Krupnick and cross-country coach Phil Ryan.
Former student athletes to be inducted are Tom Laronga ’53, Bill Gillin ’71, Dave Caligaris ’74, Meg
Patterson ’98, Katie Hall ’00, and Shawna Rossini ’03, along with the 1987 state champion baseball team
and 1997 state champion field hockey team.

Meg Patterson and Tom Laronga

Tickets are available online at https://gofan.co/event/1366150?schoolid=MA14592 Pricing is $75/ea,
with tickets for prior inductees and members of newly inducted teams $45/ea

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