Holliston Historical Society Announces Upcoming Events

Holiston Reporter

From Pam Kryka

Keep these programs in mind when you fill up your calendars. Be sure to leave space to attend!

Sunday, February 13, 2022, at 2pm 

A Zoom talk with the Natick and Sherborn historical societies on Washington’s trip through our towns in 1789.  (More details below *.)

Sunday, February 20, 2022, at 2pm

A talk in conjunction with the Holliston Public Library by Ted Reinstein on the Negro Leagues in baseball. This program may be in person or Zoom, depending on COVID. (More details below *.)

Sunday, April 24, 2022, at 2pm

 Rescheduled:  the appearance by Jessa Piaia as Isabel Stewart Gardner that was slated for April to April 24th.

May 22, 2022

                 Annual meeting

June 19, 2022

                Car Show

September 18, 2022

                Harvest Fair

There is a lot to look forward to!

George Washington

*The February 13th program: Along the ”Indifferent Road” with George Washington”

This presentation, sponsored by the Natick, Sherborn, and Holliston Historical Societies, and the Sherborn Library covers events which took place in November of 1789, as George Washington was returning to New York at the end of his post-inaugural visit to New England as the country’s first president.

Join us as we trace the president’s route through Natick, Sherborn, and Holliston and learn about where he traveled, what he did, and what landmarks stand today as a silent witness to his journey.

This presentation is free and open the public, but advance registration is required. For more information, please visit the Holliston Historical Society page: www.hollistonhistoricalsociety.org where you will find a link to the registration page

*Another program, sponsored by the Holliston Historical Society and the Holliston Library, will take place on February 20th, 2022 at 2:00 PM.

                                                            Meet The Author – Ted Reinstein

In honor of Black History Month, local author and Holliston resident, Ted Reinstein will talk about his latest book, Before Brooklyn: The Unsung Heroes Who Helped Break Baseball’s Color Barrier.  The book chronicles the 60 years during which Black baseball players were banned from the major leagues. Their struggle to integrate our national pastime paved the way for Jackie Robinson, yet they remain anonymous.

Depending on the number of COVID-19 cases in town, this program may be in person, hybrid, or virtual. Watch for the Holliston Historical Society bulletins at www.hollistonhistorical.org or the library’s at www.hollistonlibrary.org for the latest info.              

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4 thoughts on “Holliston Historical Society Announces Upcoming Events

  1. Hi Barbara,
    Thank you for your interest in the Indifferent Road program. If you visit the Holliston Historical Society webpage at hollistonhistoricalsociety.org you will find an article with the link. Clicking that button will direct you to the Natick Historical Society site where you fill out a brief form to register. Natick is hosting the Zoom meeting. They will send you a confirmation e-mail and an e-mail with the Zoom link before the program. They plan to send a reminder e-mail too, closer to the 13th.

    If you have not used Zoom before, you will have to download the program, but it is very easy. If you click on the link that comes in the e-mail from Natick, that will get you started. I found several tutorials on YouTube with step by step instructions about joining a Zoom call for the first time and they had great information. Just give yourself 15-20 minutes before the Zoom program to get set up, or practice ahead of time. I look forward to seeing you on the 13th!

    For anyone who cannot make it to the program on the 13th, we plan to record the Zoom session that day and have it available to view later. –Mary Curran, Programs Committee

  2. It has been decided that the program by Ted Reinstein about Breaking Baseball’s Color Barrier on Feb 20th at 2 PM will be held via Zoom. Please visit the Holliston Public Library website to register. hollistonlibrary.org

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