Holliston Hub-HCAT- TV needs help from our supporters

Our contract with Verizon expires in three years and we have started the lengthy license renewal process. Holliston is recognized for having one of the best local access contracts of all local access stations in the state – and we have a lot at stake to keep it that way.

In order for us to have our strongest bargaining position in negotiation, we need to begin with a powerful demonstration on Monday, April 29, 2024 at the Holliston Cable Advisory Committee Public Hearing.

 We need at least six people to attend the remote meeting and make statements, and we need others to send letters of support. 

Letters and remarks should focus on:
1)The value of HCAT to  you personally,  and your organization/department.
2) How our services and outreach have grown and/or improved in the past few years from your vantage point.
3) What you and/or your organization would like to see us do in the years ahead.

We appreciate your consideration. Thank you.

Chryso Lawless, President of HCAT- TV Board
Bruce Gilfoy, Station Manager

-Follow the link to a video we did regarding the FCC changes that Verizon sought and received from the FCC. We heard a lot of positive feedback including from other access stations.   Save Holliston Cable Access 

-Follow the link to a video we did regarding HCAT During The Pandemic




Monday, April 29, 2024, 5:30pm

1- To hear testimony from the public on the community needs regarding the Verizon Cable License renewal.

The Board of Selectmen of the Town of Holliston, as cable television licensing authority under MGL 166A, s. 1, is conducting cable television license renewal proceedings regarding Verizon

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