Holliston Knights of Columbus 12th Annual Charity Raffle Drawing

Holliston Reporter

From Knight Tom Anguish

Tune into Holliston Cable Access Television on Sat, September 26th at 1:00pm Live on the Educational channels which are Comcast ch 96 or Verizon ch 33 for Holliston’s Knights of Columbus 12th Annual Charity Raffle. Live on HCAT TV’s Facebook page!  See who will win one of the five cash prizes–ranging from $100 to $1,000!!

In the past eleven years, the Knights’ Annual Charity Raffles have allowed them to donate over $219,000.  This year has been a particularly tough campaign due to the pandemic, limiting their ability to reach potential ticket buyers.  Despite this year’s challenging times, they’ve managed to be very successful.  

Grand Knight, Al Scaramella, feels that, “Everyone who bought tickets is already a hero because they’re helping hundreds of people with their purchase.” 

Major donations this year, as in the past several years, will be made to the Holliston Pantry Shelf, Holliston Senior Center, Homes for Our Troops, iPods for Wounded Veterans, and Habitat for Humanity.  The recipients believe that heroes made this year’s donations possible.  Those heroes are all the generous people who purchased tickets for this year’s raffle.

The Knights of Columbus started in New Haven CT, in 1882, as a service organization.  There are now over 13,000 councils worldwide.  They are guided by four core principles: charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. 

Locally, St. Mary’s of Holliston Knights of Columbus Council #14224 was founded in 2007 with 28 brother knights.  Today, the council has 57 members dedicated to service to the church, community, and families.   

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