Holliston Public Schools Lunch Update

Holliston Reporter

From Susan Palefsky, Food Services Director

Publishers’ Note: This notice was sent to those on the HPS e-mail distribution earlier this month.

Dear Parents and Guardians,

I have been remiss in connecting with you all this school year and for that I apologize. This is my main method of communication and I have missed it, so hopefully we are now back on track. As with many things, the way we operate, while different, is very much the same. Our delivery model has changed but providing a delicious and nutritious lunch for FREE to our student customers remains as important to us as ever. At Miller, Placentino and Adams students order in the classroom in the morning and we deliver lunch to them. In addition, for those students who bring a lunch from home, we offer a “milk and more” bag to supplement their lunch. Both of these options are free. The overriding concern I hear from people regarding ordering a free lunch is that by doing so they are taking from someone else. While I appreciate and understand the concern, it could not be further from the truth. A little “inside baseball” but our school lunch program’s only source of revenue is from the government reimbursements we receive for every free lunch we provide. The more people we feed, the higher our reimbursement which supports our program. Generally, we have additional revenues from vending, ala carte sales etc. but not this year. I encourage you to partake; it is as easy as having your child raise their hand to order. I am sure they will not be disappointed.

At the high school, students do not need to order, just grab and go on the way out the door. Their free lunch includes a snack also. We see some students eating as the head down the walkway to their cars!

Is your child remote or hybrid? We can feed them too! We offer remote pick up on Monday and Wednesday afternoons from 1:30 – 2:00 from the Linden St. loop at Adams Middle School. When you pick up lunch you will also receive a free breakfast and snack. We distribute for 2 days on Monday and 3 days on Wednesday. We do ask you to Sign up here so we have a count for production purposes. Lunches can be ordered for anyone 21 and under in your household; they do not need to be Holliston public schools’ students. Tell your friends and neighbors!

I hope this information has cleared up any questions you may have. Please give us a try as I am confident you will not be disappointed. Help us help you.

Peace, Susan Palefsky

December Elementary Menu

December RAMS & Miller 5th Grade Menu

December HHS Menu

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