Holliston’s Public Safety Touch-a-Truck Draws a Crowd

On Saturday, May 6th, the sun finally broke through the clouds / rain to shine down on the Town’s shiny Public Safety vehicles and guests. We visited the event and came away with these photos.

The doors were open to invite people into HPD’s pickup truck – and to keep the cool breezes flowing through.
Delaney James has both hands on the wheel of Holliston’s off-road rescue vehicle.

Several Town and Civic groups passed out gifts: bells, stickers, ducks, etc. At least while we visited, there were no blaring sirens – just a couple of tractor horn beeps.

Select Board Clerk Tina Hein speaks with some visitors. In the background, representing the Holliston Park & Rec Dept, is Director Mark Frank.
Town Clerk Elizabeth Greendale is all smiles because it’s her favorite time of the year when citizens get to participate in our local democracy (Town Meeting; May 15th and Town Election; May 23rd). Behind Liz is Holliston’s Conservation Agent Ryan Clapp.

As we journeyed along, we encountered the man behind the day’s festivities, DPW Deputy Director / Highway Superintendent Robert Walker. After thanking him for making the day a reality, we had to ask why our newest DPW trucks (below) are white. Here’s the scoop – ordering vehicles that have special colors (i.e.; green, yellow) greatly extend the delivery time. Also, the truck on the right has a lot of neat features. In addition to the shiny new big orange plow, there is a smaller orange blade under the truck body. Mr. Walker explained that the smaller blade can be used when the snowfall is light, and the big blade is not needed. But wait there’s more. The sander body can be swapped out to add a flatbed body suitable for the brine pre-treatment system that has been successfully used the past two winters. It certainly seems that the Highway Department is ready to take on whatever winter can deliver.

Simkins Tree Service provided the perfect backdrop for the event.

Thank you, Mr. Walker and all the Town Departments that made this event possible.

Town Administrator Travis Ahern sent a thank you to Town Staff and we include an excerpt below:

“In addition to community building, this event also helped people understand the resources that our Town departments provide the community, which is always a valuable exercise; included this year were personnel / booths for:

  • Public Safety – PD/FD
  • Public Works
  • Town Hall
  • Parks & Rec
  • Youth & Family Services & HDAAC
  • Town Clerk
  • Conservation
  • Sustainability
  • Other committees without staff, like Envisioning Future Holliston & Trail Committee”

One thought on “Holliston’s Public Safety Touch-a-Truck Draws a Crowd

  1. Many thanks go to the Holliston DPW, Holliston Fire and EMS Department, and Holliston Police Department. As well as staff from the Town Administrator, Town Clerk, Conservation, Youth and Family Services, and Parks and Rec departments. Add in the many volunteers and this event was an off the charts celebration of what makes Holliston great. Families, community, and amazing Town employees!

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