- During the month of March, all department members of the department completed their required in-service training hours in two subject areas; “Implicit Bias” and “Longevity in Policing.” Due to the on-going COVID-19 pandemic and restrictions on in-person learning capabilities, this training was provided through the Municipal Police Training Committee’s ACADIS web portal.
- During the month of March, several department members attended a one-day course on “Fair and Impartial Policing” at the Southbridge Hotel and Conference Center. This course was paid for and sponsored by the Municipal Police Training Committee (MPTC). By the end of April, all sworn members of the department will have successfully completed this optional full-day training course.
- On March 1, 2021, Chief Stone, Lieutenant Thompson, and Lieutenant Leurini presented the police department’s FY22 omnibus budget to the Select Board.
- On March 9, 2021, Lieutenant Leurini attended a meeting via “Zoom” for the “Safe Routes to School” program.
- On March 1st – 12th, 2021, Officer Grace successfully completed an eighty (80) hour “Advanced Crash Investigation” training seminar at the Andover Police Department.
- On March 10, 2021, Officer Woods attended a one-day “Mental Health First Aid” training seminar at the Hopkinton Police Department.
- On March 17, 2020, Sergeant Glenn Dalrymple reached thirty-five (35) years of service with the Holliston Police Department.
- On March 29-30, 2021, Sergeant Belson and Detective Avey attended a two-day training course entitled “Defensive Tactics Use of Force and De-Escalation Techniques” at the Boylston Police Academy.
- During the month of March, Sergeant/K-9 Hagan and K-9 Mattis completed their mandatory 16 hours of in-service training with the Boston Police K-9 Unit.
NOTE: On March 13, 2020, Chief Stone administered a “Special Order” to all department personnel that limited close-proximity contacts with members of the public including many community interactions that typically occur each month.
- On March 4, 2021, Chief Stone and Lieutenant Thompson toured and reviewed the security procedures at the state-of-the-art hydroponic indoor nursey at the “Mayflower Medicinal” facility located on October Hill Road.
- On March 9, 2021, Lieutenant Leurini attended a meeting via “Zoom” for the “Safe Routes to School” program.
- On March 9, 2021, Lieutenant Leurini attended “Holliston’s Drug and Alcohol Awareness Coalition (HDAAC)” monthly meeting as a representative from the Holliston Police Department.
- On March 12, 2021, Officer MacGray took possession of a large donation of PPE masks from the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security (EOPSS) at the Department of Corrections headquarters in Milford, MA.
- On March 15, 2021, Chief Stone spoke at the Holliston Select Board meeting about the new Massachusetts Police Reform Law and steps that the Holliston Police Department has taken to proactively prepare for many of the changes coming to the law enforcement profession in Massachusetts.
- On March 17, 2021, Officer Woods assisted with a motorcycle funeral escort to Bourne, MA for the father of retired Lieutenant Gatchell.
- On March 18, 2021, Lieutenant Leurini assisted Town Technology Director Chris Meo with a large scale “Zoom” call for the 555 Hopping Brook development that was held by the Holliston Planning Board.
- On March 29, 2021, Lieutenant Leurini assisted Town Technology Director Chris Meo with a large scale “Zoom” call for the 555 Hopping Brook development that was held by the Holliston Select Board.
- On March 30, 2021, Chief Stone was interviewed by a Holliston High School journalism student regarding the recent improvements made to the Holliston public safety radio infrastructure system.
- Saturday, April 24th National Prescription Drug Take Back Day – members of the Holliston Police Department will be available at the police station to collect and properly dispose of unused or expired prescription medications. Please note that liquids and syringes will not be accepted.
- Tuesday, May 4th – “Coffee with a Cop” event at Coffee Haven. Members of the Holliston Police Department will be joined by Troopers from the Massachusetts State Police Community Action Team for coffee and community engagement from 9am to 12pm.
- Saturday, May 22nd – “HHS Senior Graduation Parade” – members of the Holliston Police Department will be assisting the Holliston High School administration team and class of 2021 with their senior graduation parade.
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Thank- you to Chief Stone and to all of the officers who are continuing to be diligent in educating themselves during these difficult times. I am fortunate to live in a town where life is largely free from violence and the words ‘justice for all’ is respected.