It’s Halloween at the Holliston Senior Center

Holliston Reporter

On Wednesday, October 30th (the eve of ‘All Hallows’ Eve’), the Mary Ann Morse Healthcare Center sponsored this year’s Halloween Luncheon at the Holliston Senior Center.

Carol Lapolka from the Mary Ann Morse Healthcare Center welcomed and thanked the guests. Senior Center Director, Linda Marshall added her welcome as well. (Not seen in this photo is that Linda’s necklace of Jack o’ lanterns did blink.)
Chef Rick Robidoux is joined by Steve Kiley, both from Mary Ann Morse, along with Holliston’s own Kathy Loring, to serve Hawaiian Chicken, Rice Pilaf, and green beans.
Johnny Cash (a.k.a. Robert Black) entertained during lunch with several of Mr. Cash’s famous tunes. By far the favorite was “Boy Named Sue”
If you think he looks familiar – he is. Last year he entertained as Elvis.
It’s a sea of orange throughout the hall. Each place setting included a goody bag of Treats!
Of course, every Senior Center luncheon has fabulous prizes.

A big thank you to Mary Ann Morse Healthcare, the Senior Center staff, and the many volunteers that made the event possible. Also, if you weren’t able to attend, or are a big fan of Johnny Cash, you can catch a recording of the event on HCAT.

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