Louis | Abramo | Weigher for New England Emulsions |
Travis | Ahern | ADA Coordinator |
Travis | Ahern | Affirmative Action Officer |
Travis | Ahern | Affirmative Marketing Construction Officer |
Travis | Ahern | Chief Procurement Officer |
Travis | Ahern | Construction Officer |
Travis | Ahern | Contract Compliance Officer |
Travis | Ahern | MetroWest Veterans Service District Rep. |
Travis | Ahern | Municipal Hearing Officer |
Travis | Ahern | Town Adminstrator |
Janet | Alexander | Council on Aging |
Matthew | Antoniolli | Weigher for New England Emulsions |
Christopher | Avery | Weigher, Measurer, & Surveyor of Commodities |
James | Barrett | Lieutenant |
James | Barrett | Weigher, Measurer, & Surveyor of Commodities |
Sarah | Bateman | Veterans’ Agent (Director of Veterans’ Services) |
Kenneth | Belson | Weigher, Measurer, & Surveyor of Commodities |
Randy | Bickford | Weigher for Electronic Recyclers |
Lisa | Borchetta | Director of the Senior Center |
Patricia | Boyd | Alternate member of Envisioning Future Holliston |
Jason | Breslau | Associate Member of the Town Forest Committee |
Herbert | Brockert | Trails Committee |
Glen | Brown | Envisioning Future Holliston |
Kathleen | Buckley | Human Resources Director |
Kathleen | Buckley | Assistant Town Administrator |
Kathleen | Buckley | West Suburban Health Group Rep. |
Yvette | Cain | Council on Aging |
Gregory | Carey | Housing Trust Board of Trustees |
Kevin | Carson | Weigher for New England Household Moving & Storage |
Michael | Cassidy | Community Emergency Response Coordinator |
Michael | Cassidy | E911 Coordinator |
Michael | Cassidy | Fire Engineers – Chief |
Michael | Cassidy | Forest Warden |
Michael | Cassidy | Hazardous Waste Coordinator |
Michael | Cassidy | MAPC Natural Hazards Mitigation Planning Team |
Frank | Chamberlain | Historical Commission |
Dave | Charette | Weigher, Measurer, & Surveyor of Commodities |
Hannah | Ciavarra | Weigher, Measurer, & Surveyor of Commodities |
Chris | Clayton | Weigher for Electronic Recyclers |
Ethan | Coakley | Weigher, Measurer, & Surveyor of Commodities |
Frederick | Coburn | Weigher for New England Household Moving & Storage |
Sarah | Commerford | Keefe Technical School Committee |
Eilish | Corey | Conservation Commission |
David | Craig | Weigher, Measurer, & Surveyor of Commodities |
Rich | Davis | Weigher, Measurer, & Surveyor of Commodities |
James | Deluca | Constable |
Bryan | DiGiorgio | Weigher, Measurer, & Surveyor of Commodities |
Scott | Downey | Weigher, Measurer, & Surveyor of Commodities |
John | Drohan | Economic Development Committee |
Nancy | Dubin | Agricultural Commission |
Peter | Eagan | Associate Member of the Council on Aging |
Peter | Eagan | Envisioning Future Holliston |
Paul, Jr. | Elder | Gas Inspector and Plumbing Inspector |
Sam | Elichalt | Weigher, Measurer, & Surveyor of Commodities |
William | Erickson | Wiring Inspector |
Marline | Fine | Alternate member of Envisioning Future Holliston |
Robert | Fogarty | Assistant Building Inspector |
Mallory | Franeschi | Assistant Treasurer/Collector |
Chinmaya | Gogineni | Economic Development Committee |
R. Scott | Gonfrade | Constable |
Charles | Grace | Traffic Advisory Committee |
Charles | Grace | Weigher, Measurer, & Surveyor of Commodities |
Alan | Greendale | Fire engineer – Deputy Chief |
Elizabeth | Greendale | E911 Liaison |
Elizabeth | Greendale | State Ethics Commission Liaison |
Daniel | Griffith | Weigher, Measurer, & Surveyor of Commodities |
Michael | Gulla | Fire engineer – Deputy Chief |
Robert | Guyon | Constable |
Timothy | Heney | Weigher, Measurer, & Surveyor of Commodities |
Christopher | Heymanns | Custodian of Tax Title |
Christopher | Heymanns | Treasurer & Tax Collector |
Jerrold | Hilliard | Weigher for New England Emulsions |
Joanne | Hulbert | Town Historian |
Alexander | Hulme | Weigher, Measurer, & Surveyor of Commodities |
Mark | Kaferlein | Inspector of Buildings |
Mark | Kaferlein | Trails Committee |
James | Keast | Historical Commission |
Alexander | Keefe | Weigher, Measurer, & Surveyor of Commodities |
Gary | Keith | Weigher for Electronic Recyclers |
Jeanine | Kelly-Coburn | Weigher for New England Household Moving & Storage |
Isaac | King | Weigher for Electronic Recyclers |
Jack | LeWinter | Alternate member of Envisioning Future Holliston |
Jared | Lindros | Traffic Advisory Committee |
John | Loftus | Weigher, Measurer, & Surveyor of Commodities |
Zach | Luczyk | Associate member, Golf Course Advisory Committee |
Christopher | Mustard | Weigher, Measurer, & Surveyor of Commodities |
Sneha | Narayanan | Conservation Commission |
Jon | Neuburger | Cultural Council |
Utah | Nickel | Conservation Commission |
Gita | Patel | Town Accountant |
Guillermo | Palencia | Weigher, Measurer, & Surveyor of Commodities |
Ryan | Parent | Weigher, Measurer, & Surveyor of Commodities |
Barbara | Peatie | Envisioning Future Holliston |
Ann Marie | Pilch | Open Space Committee |
Domenic | Porcello | Weigher for New England Emulsions |
Stacey | Raffi | Traffic Advisory Committee |
Stacey | Raffi | Envisioning Future Holliston |
Sumedha | Rathnayake | Cultural Council |
James | Ray | Weigher, Measurer, & Surveyor of Commodities |
Sean | Reese | Director of Public Works |
Jonathan | Remkus | Weigher, Measurer, & Surveyor of Commodities |
Richard | Rosenberry | Envisioning Future Holliston |
Debra | Ruf-Carson | Weigher for New England Household Moving & Storage |
Viktoria | Sadlovska Anshu | Alternate member of Envisioning Future Holliston |
Louis | Sakin | Sealer of Weights anf Measurers |
Michael | Sarsfield | Golf Course Advisory Committee |
Paul | Saulnier | Community Preservation Commission |
Katie | Seeker | Historical Commission |
Steven | Scott | Weigher for Electronic Recyclers |
Annie | Singh | Envisioning Future Holliston |
Timothy | Smith | Golf Course Advisory Committee |
Benjamin | Sparrell | Envisioning Future Holliston |
Matthew | Stone | Police Chief |
Jay | Talerman | Town Counsel |
Joshua | Tammaro | Weigher for New England Emulsions |
Chad | Thompson | Weigher, Measurer, & Surveyor of Commodities |
David | Thorn | Economic Development Committee |
Richard | Twomey | SMOC Representative |
Robert | Walker | Deputy DPW Director |
Robert | Walker | Traffic Advisory Committee |
Dona | Walsh | Animal Control Officer |
Matthew | Waugh | Weigher, Measurer, & Surveyor of Commodities |
Robert | Weidknecht | Trails Committee |
Michael | Woods | Weigher, Measurer, & Surveyor of Commodities |
Joseph | Zacchilli | Assistant Plumbing Inspector |
Joseph | Zacchilli | Assistant Gas Inspector |
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