Let the Sunshine Bring the Town Revenue

Holliston Select Board Chair Ben Sparrell called the December 5, 2022, meeting to order at 7:01pm offering an “updating” agenda to guide the discussions / decisions.

Update on Town Solar Project

An update on the proposed Solar Project located on the Town’s capped landfill property near the current recycling center on Marshall Street was led by Town consultant Beth Greenblatt of Beacon Solutions. 

The Select Board listens to (L-R) Beth Greenblatt, Lisa Mead, Rennie Friedman, and Anna Noucas

An overhead view of the planned solar array is below.  Marshall Street curves along the left side of the diagram with green shading indicating screening vegetation planned to obscure the visibility from the street.

The Black rectangles represent the solar array. The Recycling Center is at the bottom left of this diagram.

A new webpage will be added to the Town Projects site on Tuesday https://www.townofholliston.us/home/pages/information-on-town-projects that will show all the documents related to the Town’s solar project.

Overall, the update showed progress has been made since the last update a few months ago.  IF all goes as planned, the Town would begin receiving payments from Sol Systems before the end of FY 23 and be online producing electricity about one year from now.  This is contingent on Eversource accepting the ASO report in Jan 2023 AND grants permission to operate in Dec 2023.

The payment schedule is outlined below.

Lisa Mead, Town Counsel from Mead, Talerman, and Costa, reviewed the four components of the legal agreements between the Town and Sol Systems.

The Board asked some questions of presenters.  Mrs. Hein asked if the schedule could slip.  Ms. Greenblatt indicated that Eversource is a key player in the successful completion of the project.  Mr. Cronin asked for a street view rendering of the finished project to assuage citizen concerns that have arisen at the private solar project at the corner of Marshall and Prentice Streets.  Citizen William Rainsford asked if there would be a view from Winston Road (just down Marshall St from the project area). 

Winston Road is marked by the black pointer.

Mr. Ahern will follow up with Sol Systems to add to the project update page (referenced above).  Citizen (and new Conservation Commissioner) Nicole Smith asked that all the documentation related to this project be located in one site (see link above).

The Board voted unanimously to entering into a 25-year agreement with Sol Systems to construct and maintain the Town’s solar array and authorized Mr. Sparrell to sign the agreement on behalf of Holliston.  Mr. Cronin commented before voting that this “was the worst example of state government bureaucracy he has ever seen” that stalled this project for many months.

The Board thanked Ms. Greenblatt, et. al. for their hard work.  In turn, Ms. Greenblatt thanked Town Administrator Ahern for picking up the “big folder” he received upon arrival in July 2020 and moving the project forward.

ARPA Programmatic update

  • Wastewater Treatment Plant – SCADA $250,000
  • Wastewater Treatment Plant – additional environmental testing $55,000

The Board unanimously approved the ARPA Steering Group’s recommendations for funding to upgrade the existing wastewater treatment plant on Linden St.  The additional testing will lay the groundwork for the potential expanded use of the plant IF the Village Commercial zone were included in a downtown sewer district.

Warrants: The Board unanimously approved the weekly warrants totaling -> $2,852,511.62

Public Comment:

Comments from Town Administrator:

Mr. Ahern yielded some of his time to DPW Director Sean Reese (above left near his trusty walker as he’s wearing an orthopedic boot) to give a COMPLETION update on the Central St. Water Filtration Plant which is online as of November 9, 2022.  He thanked the Town staff and Boards, vendors, and water department personnel for bringing this plant online – on budget.

Photos of the completed plant are below.

Town water users in the Central, Norfolk, and Goulding Street areas should notice improved water quality now that well #5 runs through the new filtration plant.  Reese noted that brown water is still possible from time to time – although the recent hydrant flushing didn’t generate many complaints from users.  Next year’s annual water quality report should confirm the improved quality from well #5.

The Board extended its thanks to Mr. Reese for his efforts to bring this project to a successful completion.

While Mr. Reese was available, the Board asked that he contact MassDOT regarding the outstanding elements of the Rt 16/126 project.  Reese noted that the crosswalks / signals will be installed in the spring.  Mrs. Hein noted that the speed limit through the area with the new crosswalks is in excess of what is needed for safe crossing. Otherwise, the road construction is completed.  Mr. Cronin asked Mr. Reese to once again reach out to MassDOT regarding the unsafe conditions at the Washington / Summer Streets intersection.  Mr. Reese will follow up with MassDOT on the discussed items.

Mr. Ahern added the following update:

  • He’s recording the next installment of HCAT’s “Ask the TA” related to the downtown sewer treatment plant.

Also, the most recent issue of the Hometown Newsletter – Winter 2022-23 is now available.  The Holliston Public Schools’ Newsletter is now posted on the Town home page -> https://www.smore.com/vx23c-fall-newsletter?ref=email

Board Business: The Board unanimously took the following actions:

  • Appointed Nicole Smith to the Conservation Commission through June 30, 2025
  • Accepted a $21,500 grant from the MassDevelopment Taxi & Livery on behalf of the Council on Aging for elder transportation.
  • Approved the 2023 list of Town Holidays
  • Approved the January – June 2023 Select Board meeting dates. (Spring Town Meeting is May 8, 2023)
Mr. Sparrell hopes that SB meetings will be every other week after the Spring Town Meeting (until activity ramps up prior to Fall Town Meeting)
  • Accepted the $7,000 donation from Washington Street Players for use in Upper Town Hall
  • Accepted the $400 donation from Superette patrons for the Senior Center Nutrition Program
  • Accepted the $1,165 donation from Chipman Electric for work on the Community Farm Greenhouse heater
  • Approved the minutes of the November 7, 2022, meeting.
  • Approved the placing of a Menorah in front of Town Hall by the Chabad Center from Dec 15th – Dec 28th with the lighting ceremony to be held on December 20th at 6:00 pm
  • Approved the request for $75,150 in State Aid Chapter 90 Reimbursement for design engineering consulting from Kimley-Horn.

Other Business: None

The meeting was adjourned at 8:14pm.  Mr. Sparrell reminded everyone that next week’s meeting will be “exciting” with Public Safety updates on the docket.

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