Library Update from Leslie McDonnell

Holiston Reporter

The poetry of National Book award winner, Mary Oliver, will be discussed on Wed, Oct 27 at 7 pm with participants creating their own work of art based on her poems.  A kit of art supplies is provided and may be picked up in person or via curbside pickup beginning Oct 20.  Participants must register on the library website and copies of Oliver’s book of poems is available to borrow now.  The program is free and limited to 20 participants. 

The Morning Book Club will discuss Lara Prescott’s The Secrets We Kept on Monday, November 1 at 11 am.  The History Book Club meets on Monday, October 25 at 10:30 am to share The Arabs by Eugene Rogan.  All three groups offer both in-person and virtual attendance simultaneously and welcome new members.  Register to receive a Zoom invitation.  Copies of books are available about one month prior to the discussions at the library.  All programs are sponsored by the Friends. 

The library now subscribes to Kanopy, a movie streaming service that can be used by Holliston residents free of charge with a valid library card.  Hotspots with wifi can also be borrowed from the library.  Both programs are funded by the American Rescue Plan Act.    

For more information on library programs, visit or call 508-429-0617 or email

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