Local Boy Scout Earns Eagle Award

From Jen Schiller – with additional content / photos from Bobby Blair

The highest award from the Boy Scouts of America — the rank of Eagle Scout – was awarded on Saturday, April 30 to a Holliston teen.

Photo courtesy of George Martel

Andrew Peter Schiller, 18, received the Eagle Scout Award, in a Court of Honor ceremony held at Father Haley Hall at St. Mary’s Parish.  He is the son of Jennifer and Peter Schiller of Holliston. At the ceremony, Andrew was also presented with Commendations from the Massachusetts Governor, His Holiness Pope Francis, Cardinal Sean Patrick O’Malley, OFM Cap., and other notables.

Photo courtesy George Martell

It is estimated since the inception of the Eagle Scout award in 1912, only 2 percent of eligible Scouts have earned Scouting’s highest rank. An Eagle Scout must have completed at least 21 merit badges and organized a leadership service project that benefits his church, community, or school.

For his Eagle Project, Schiller led a crew that built ten 24×36 wooden sandwich boards for Holliston Community Farms. The sandwich boards are used to advertise and direct traffic for the Holliston Farmer’s Market which runs from June through September at Blair Square. Bobby Blair was the sponsor. Schiller’s efforts included designing the project, securing permission from the proper agencies, supplying materials, and recruiting fellow scouts to help with the project. Schiller ensured that the boards are lightweight for carrying, durable and reusable.

Bobby Blair added this content: ” Brian Ogilvie (below), Assistant Scoutmaster of Troop73, served as master of ceremonies.

Bobby Blair photo
The invocation was given by Reverend Mark Coiro, Pastor at St. Mary’s. Bobby Blair photo

Formal Opening was given by Scoutmaster Frank Chamberlain and the History of the Eagle by Steve Giordano, Assistant Scoutmaster. . . . The presentation of the Eagle Award was handled by George Schiller, the younger Schiller’s great uncle who himself was a recipient of scouting’s highest award.

Bobby Blair photo

Andrew’s proud mom and dad Peter and Jennifer looked on. Andrew Schiller was able to acknowledge those who helped him along the way before his fellow scouts retired the colors and those present were invited to share refreshments.”

Schiller joined Holliston’s Cub Scout Pack 47 at age seven and later earned Cub Scouting’s highest award, the Arrow of Light. A member of Troop 73 since 2014, he has served in the leadership positions of Troop Librarian and Troop Historian. Schiller attended several summer scout camps at Camp Squanto in Plymouth, Massachusetts, and later served as a Camp Counselor for four summers. He plans to serve as a Counselor this summer as well. He participated in a 2-week hike into the wilderness at Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico during the summer of 2021 with 10 other scouts from around New England. Philmont Scout Ranch is the Boy Scout’s premier High Adventure base.  

A senior at Catholic Memorial High School in West Roxbury, Schiller has been active in various sporting teams, National Honor Society, Spanish Honor Society, History Honor Society and Faith Peer Leaders. A member of St. Mary’s Parish, Holliston, Schiller has served as an Altar Server since 4th grade. He earned the Ad Altare Dei (To the Altar of God) religious emblem as a Boy Scout at St. Mary’s Parish in 2021. Schiller plans to attend the University of Dayton in the fall, majoring in Chemistry.

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2 thoughts on “Local Boy Scout Earns Eagle Award

  1. Thank you Bobby Blair for your dedication to the good of Holliston and your inspiration to Andrew during his Eagle Project. We are grateful. All best, Jen Schiller

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