The Holliston Newcomers & Neighbors Thanksgiving Drive and Meals for Seniors Committees want to thank YOU! HNN once again was able to contribute to the Thanksgiving efforts of the Holliston Pantry Shelf’s gift cards to their patrons as well as Head Start and Wayside Youth who both support Holliston youth. HNN also assembled and delivered a complete Thanksgiving meal to over 60 Holliston Seniors identified by the Holliston Senior Center, Mission Springs and Cole Court.
Many thanks go to our local community organizations, religious groups and volunteers. These groups spread the word, made so many Thanksgiving cards especially Holliston Girl Scouts and Holliston Cub Scouts and volunteered their time the day before Thanksgiving to brighten the day of our Seniors.
But all of these efforts would not have been possible without all the individuals and businesses that donated to this effort including the generous donations from Applewood Survey, TLC Painting (an HNN Sponsor), Stucchi Landscape & Design, Holliston Glass & Mirror, Holliston Sewer Service, Village Auto, Moor Metals, Sapphire Counseling, ABBESS Instruments and Systems (an HNN Sponsor), BDR Automotive, For a New You/Dr. Barbara Preussner and Shea Insurance Agency as well as donations from Meridian Financial Advisors, Planet Automotive Group, Prana Center, Yoga Garden, Anastas Lock & Safe Company, Farrell Pool Service, Hasting Consulting, Holliston Tire & Automotive, Holliston Vision Center, Hometown Automotive & Autobody, Inspire Dance Academy, Magical Moments Vacations with Donna Goyette (an HNN sponsor), Ocean Dreams Market, Cheryl Coehn Mosaics, Crafted and Gaetano’s.
Holliston Newcomers & Neighbors and the HNN Thanksgiving Committees hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving Day with family, food and fun. We couldn’t be more thankful for the support we received from the community on this project. We are so proud that HNN was able to be a part of making Thanksgiving a great day for so many of our neighbors.
Holliston Newcomers & Neighbors – Building Friendships, Building Community
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