March Volunteer of the Month – Diane Regan

Holliston Reporter

From Anna Curran

Each month, Give Back to Givers honors a “Volunteer of the Month” to highlight his/her service and dedication to the town of Holliston, and to show how important volunteerism is to the town. This month we honor Diane Regan.

1. What have you done in the past as volunteer work?  

In the past I was a Brownie and Girl Scout Leader for 7 years and a Club Soccer Manager for 6 years, and have been involved in the Holliston Pantry Shelf for 21 years.

2. What do you currently do as a volunteer?  

Currently I am involved with the Holliston Pantry Shelf, where for the past 21 years I have had many different roles.  I began as a shift volunteer, assisting patrons with shopping at the Pantry, then I picked up food for the Pantry at various grocery stores.  I then became a Board Member and was involved with many different events and aspects of the Pantry, specifically the Souper Bowl, Pasta Dinner with Santa and Holiday Gift Bags!  

3. What made you want to get involved with volunteering? 

 I have felt very strongly about volunteering since I was very young.  But once I had children I realized how very fortunate I was for many reasons, and felt the need to give back in some way, and commit to it.  It is so important to help out and volunteer with an organization or cause that you are passionate about, because then you do it because you love it, not because you feel you have to.

4. What is your favorite part of volunteering?  

My favorite part of volunteering is by far the wonderful feeling I get through helping others. I see not only the patrons at the Holliston Pantry Shelf that are helped by others, but also the joy that donors get through giving.

5. What have you gotten out of volunteering?  

Before I began volunteering at the Holliston Pantry Shelf, I always felt like there was something missing in my life, and when I joined the Pantry, that void was filled.  Volunteering at the Pantry has taught me first hand, that being kind and caring to others in their time of need, is truly fulfilling.

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