Diane Hanson welcomed those attending the ceremony via Zoom. She introduced a colleague from MassDOT who reviewed the 2020 programs. Below you will note that Holliston was one of five communities who received a $6,000 grant for signs and lines. How Holliston used that grant is featured later.
Stephanie Pollack provided the Keynote address. She, as a parent, started by thanking all educators who have had to retool their instruction to make virtual learning happen. Pollack coined a new phrase (to me anyway), “new routes for safe learning” as a goal for learning in the age of COVID-19.
Then it was time for the awards. Holliston’s Miller Elementary School was recognized as a Gold Partner and as an Exemplary Program.
“The . . . partner schools have gone the extra mile in documenting their 2019 – 2020 accomplishments thereby qualifying for individual partner level awards. Levels are determined via the completion of various tasks, each with a designated point value, throughout the school year and culminating in a Gold, Silver, Bronze, or Basic Level achievement.”
Miller School Principal, Mr. David Keim and Select Board Member, Tina Hein were on-line for the award presentation. Hein shared this comment, “Congratulations to the Fred Miller Elementary School. Our schools’ partnership with SRTS has been positive and impactful and will continue to grow moving forward. The collaboration among HPD, DPW, PTO, the Schools, the Rail Trail Committee and this Select Board has led to the success with a Gold Level award and Honorable Mention from SRTS today at the Annual Awards Ceremony. This represents the Town of Holliston at its best, supporting some of the most vulnerable residents…our students on their way to school.”
Congratulations to all involved in meeting Safe Routes to School mission: Provide safe and active student transportation.
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Holliston was called out especially for being the first of the five Signs and Lines grant award communities to complete their work. Thank you Sean Reese, Tom Smith and the entire Highway Department team who worked finish the job. Everyone should take a walk or bike ride down to the new crosswalk to see the great job done by our Highway Department.
And feel free to leave an intention while you are there…mine will be “please take the kids back this fall in some way”😉