Mirror Mirror on the Wall

30 years ago I inherited a large 5-1/2 X 5-½ gold framed mirror suitable for a seaside mansion in Newport. The time had come for this image reflector to find a new home. Placed curbside with a free sign, the mirror attracted no takers.

A call to E.L. Harvey the town’s trash collectors and the curbside mirror would be on its way. No dice. Another call to E.L. Harvey informed me that the mirror would have to be taped. Still no dice and yet another call told me the entire mirror would have to be completely taped. Another roll of tape from Holliston Hardware. The mirror still did not move.

You have to place cardboard over the tape I was told on yet another phone call. By now I had memorized E.L. Harvey’s phone number. The cardboarded mirror held its ground on the appointed day of pickup.

“How can we help you” was the response when I placed another call to E.L. Harvey. I explained my situation to the clerk who replied that the mirror would have to be broken up and placed in a cardboard box as the frame was rotted. Actually the gold paint was peeling off.

Once done the box would be picked up on December 26th. That day came and the box didn’t move. Yet another call and I was told something about an operational mixup. They would reschedule for Monday the 30th. You guessed it — the box did not move.

I’m not giving up I though and by now I’m getting to know everyone at E.L.Harvey. How many phone calls would it take? I’m sorry but we don’t take glass, I was told. Why didn’t you tell me that when I first called for a pickup I asked. Never mind I’ll just place it in my trash I said to a muted response. 

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