News from the Library

Holliston Reporter

From Leslie McDonnell, Library Director

The Friends of the Holliston Library will present “Irish Need Not Apply” with historian Christopher Daley on Sunday, October 4, at 2 pm.  This program virtually explores the rich history of the Irish in Boston from colonial times until the present.  It is free and sponsored with the Medway Public Library and the Holliston Historical Society.  Register at to receive a Zoom invitation for the program. 

The Morning Book Club will discuss Jokha Alharthi’s prize-winning novel Celestial Bodies on Monday, October 5 at 11 am.  The History Book Club will discuss The Admirals by Walter Borneman on Monday, September 28 at 10:30 am.  Both groups meet virtually, and books are available to borrow about one month before the discussion in multiple formats.   Register on the library’s website to receive a Zoom invitation.  New members are warmly welcomed at both groups.

Hoopla, the streaming service for libraries, is available for use by Holliston residents.  It is free and funded by the Friends.  Hoopla has e-books, audio books, comic books, music, movies and TV shows which can be downloaded.  The service is limited to four downloads per person per month and is accessed by a valid library card.  All the titles in the collection are available at all times, so there are no reserves or waiting.  The collection changes monthly, and items simply disappear once they reach their due date.  The link to get started is available at Patrons who would like personal instruction in using electronic services can do so by contacting the library.  Kindles and Rokus with Disney Plus, Acorn, Hulu and Netflix are available to borrow from the library at no charge. 

The library is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 10-6 pm, Wednesdays from 10-8 pm and Saturdays from 10-4 pm.  Curbside pickup continues at the library during the same hours.  Holliston residents who cannot visit in person or use curbside pickup can arrange for home delivery by calling the library. 

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