Outreach and Child Find

The Holliston Public Schools, Office of Student Services notifies parents and local
preschools that services are available for children with special needs, including those with
related service needs who may or may not attend the Holliston Public Schools. In October of
each year, this information is posted in the newspaper, on the local cable network, and in
school newsletters. Additionally, this information is available on-going at the Holliston
Public Schools website www.holliston.k12.ma.us

Parents of children two years, six months, or older are asked to contact the Student
Services Department if they have any questions regarding services or about the special
education eligibility determination process. If an evaluation is necessary, this process can
begin at age two years and nine months. Determination of special needs eligibility would
qualify a child to receive services commencing on their third birthday.

The Student Services Department maintains a relationship with the local Early
Intervention Program and pre-schools. As indicated above, transitional information is
generally forwarded by Early Intervention six months prior to the child’s third birthday.
Upon receipt, the parent is notified about the procedure in writing and the evaluation
process commences no later than three months prior to the child’s third birthday.

Parents of children who are enrolled in privately funded private schools shall contact the
Office of Student Services if they have any questions regarding services or about the special
education eligibility determination process.

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