The Holliston Planning Board met on June 22, 2023. The continuation of the Public Hearing regarding the Special Permit application from CRG Acquisition LLC was the main topic of discussion.
Nearly 100 people joined the meeting via Zoom and Chair Karen Apuzzo-Langton conducted the meeting following the special guidelines for holding open meetings using remote participation.
The two-hour session included a CRG presentation, peer engineering reviews of the CRG engineering reports, and Holliston and Medway resident comments.
Below are slides that CRG presented, many of which had been shown previously. The selected slides focus on the comparison of the original plan and the new 550,000 sq. ft proposal.
The purple shaded area below represents the new plan overlaid on the original plan.
Below is the image of the 30 ft high berm and the Bufftech sound barrier atop the berm. According to peer review sound engineer, Chris Menge, the proposed berm / wall would effectively dampen sound and visibility of the site from abutters’ properties. Menge acknowledged that there will be some sounds that will be audible to some people at some times.
Below is a rendering of the berm with native wildflower plantings and the sound barrier at the top. CRG is requesting a waiver of the berm slope from a 3:1 incline to a 2:1 incline to provide more separation from abutters’ dwellings.
Rob Lussier (top right in image below), a peer review engineer, had questions for CRG regarding the collection of storm water in the isolated wetland at the bottom right of this image. Mr. Bemis of EDC, the firm developing the site design, indicated that the retention pond in that area could be enlarged to handle all potential runoff.
CRG concluded its presentation by showing the comparison chart below.
Mr. Bemis and CRG’s attorney Chip Nylen concluded by saying that CRG was committed to making the necessary road improvements and site design changes that mitigate the public’s concerns.
Citizen comments in this session echoed those offered at previous meetings and are summarized below:
- Detrimental to the quality of life in Holliston
- Carcinogenic affects diesel fumes
- The noise of a 24/7 operation
- Heavy truck traffic – both weight and increased number of large vehicles
- The developer cannot guarantee who / what the tenant will be – i.e., incomplete information.
- Should this be a ballot question at a future town election?
- Citizens voiced support for the Planning Board’s thorough and deliberate approach to this proposal.
- A variation on “Not in my backyard” – Not THIS in my backyard – suggesting there is a better option for new development in Hopping Brook Park.
Chair Apuzzo-Langton noted the following:
- CRG’s traffic plan appears to be reactive to issues raised.
- CRG does respond to concerns / requests – but the responses to date don’t adequately answer the questions.
- This project would have an excessive negative impact on the character of the town.
Each Planning Board member voiced their point of view:
- Jason Santos – Traffic concerns remain that would affect the “look and feel” of Holliston.
- Scott Ferkler – The disruption of a 24/7 operation for neighbors and the entire town.
- Barbara Peatie – Traffic: increased volume, noise, and pollution. Such an operation would not mesh with the Envision Future Holliston vision.
- David Thorn was absent.
The Board voted unanimously to Close the Public Hearing for this Special Permit. Deliberations based on all the oral and written material presented during the Hearing will be held at a future date to be set.
You can view all the documents associated with the ongoing discussion on the Town website – > 555 Hopping Brook Information | Town of Holliston MA
The video of the most recent meeting can be viewed here -> June 22nd Planning Board Recording
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