Prana Center Wins Regional Acting Award

Holiston Reporter

Holliston’s own Prana Center has won the award for “Favorite Theater Program” for the west of Boston region in the annual Joey awards from Community Kangaroo. More than a thousand people from Holliston and other communities voted in our region.

From Prana’s “Lion King”

The Prana Center is celebrating its 20th year of fun, popular theater programs with children and teens in Holliston. Director Roberta Weiner started the organization to provide opportunities for children to work and learn together in a safe, supportive environment. Prana offers a fall and spring musical each year, as well as several dramatic performances in the winter. Little Women is this weekend, and enrollment is open for winter shows, including a stage version of the popular Ramona Quimby books, and a comedy called “The Internet is Distracting: Oh, Look, a Kitten!”

From Prana’s “Annie”

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