Prana Shines Again

It seemed incredible that Roberta Weiner and her musical team, Joanne Hines and Joe Duda, could have put together a production of The Wizard of Oz so spectacular in just two weeks. But indeed, magic was at work in this show, put on Friday, August 1, during just one session of camp.

Dorothy dazzled, with her mega-watt smile, great stage presence and strong lovely voice. (May Shade.) With the classic blue and white checked dress, braids and ruby red slippers, the costumers captured the look of Judy Garland admirably. Although Auntie ‘Em (Kendall Hanlon) and Uncle Henry (Olivia Slater) obviously love Dorothy, they can’t block the spiteful Miss Gulch (Mila Szabatura) from taking away her precious dog Toto, played adorably by Winslow Friend one they reach Munchkinland. The actual bicycle Mila rides down the aisle is one of the amazing props that echo the movie. The switch on stage from bicycle to witches’ broom, so cleverly done, suggests the unforgettable movie as well.

Tim Conder, as Professor Marvel, projected well as the famous flim flam man. Glinda, (Ella Grimes) in a gorgeous pink gown, plays a benevolent presence quite well. Lucia Pasquariello, as the Wicked Witch of the West, then arrives as a threatening, evil nemesis with a great cackle. During the rousing big number, “Ding Dong, The Witch is Dead”, the coroner, Lexi Chek, sang out especially clearly. The adorable Munchkins, all grades K-3, add vim and verve to the song. Makayla Kemmerer, who plays the mayor, has a commanding voice with an accent of convincing big city toughness. The precious Lullaby League and Lollypop Guild shine.

As Dorothy follows the yellow brick road, she encounters the Scarecrow, Ellie MacFadyen, who enunciates very well and does a great song and dance with her. If only he had a brain! Then of course they find a Tin Man, (Claire Nielsen) who has spot-on moves during “If I Only Had a Heart.” The Cowardly Lion (Lauren Conder) has especially appealing facial expressions. She provided the most laughs of the show. The next three songs were knockouts. In “The Jitterbug” the choir had some excellent sopranos, and the choreography was the best I’ve ever seen for this neglected song that was cut from the movie. In “Optimistic Voices” and “The Merry Old Land of Oz,” the dancing and singing were also stellar. The Lion’s “If I Were King of the Forest” was both stirring and comic at the same time.

Brilliantly, the flying monkeys were on roller blades! One even wore a bike helmet. The head of the guard shouted out well so all could hear. (Emily Feeney) As the Wizard, Chloe Butterly brought just the right authoritative touch to her role with much memorized dialogue. When our friends of course foil the witch’s “beautiful wickedness,” another costume gem appears on the Wizard’s assistant, Rosie Foley, who brings in their awards in a beautiful green dress. The rousing final number brings all 50 cast members on stage again. There was palpable joy as these children and teen counselors/choreographers finished yet another terrific show.

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3 thoughts on “Prana Shines Again

  1. All of the productions are amazing, but this one steals my heart. Loving that this is fully inclusive as well!!!

    Great job Roberta!!!

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