Public Invited to Upcoming Strategic Plan Community Forums

The Town of Holliston voted at Town Meeting to engage a consultant to develop a 5-10-year strategic plan for the Town, which incorporates all of the department-specific strategic plans and the survey results from the Envisioning Future Holliston Committee. The Town, along with the selected consultant Berry Dunn, needs input from the entire community to develop the town-wide plan. There are many ways to contribute online, in person and at community forums.

The Community Forums will be hybrid to participate via zoom or in person:

  • Tuesday evening, May 2nd 6:30-8pm at the Holliston High School Library
  • Wednesday afternoon, May 3rd 3:00-4:30pm at Town Hall
  • Thursday morning, May 4th 9:30-11 at the Senior Center (please call 508-429-0622 to reserve)

The consultant will also meet residents at Holliston’s Public Safety/Touch-a-Truck Day on Saturday, May 6th 9am- 1pm, Public at Holliston High School Parking Lot.

“It is important to be part of this process to identify goals and priorities for Holliston’s future,” said Travis Ahern, Town Administrator of Holliston. “There are so many ways for stakeholders, of any age, to participate in this process: for those that cannot participate in the Community Forums, the Social Pinpoint site allows for direct feedback, while the Meeting-in-a-Box feature allows an individual or group to collaborate on a uniform set of strategic planning questions, with printed versions available upon request at Town Hall (to be returned to Town Hall when complete), or by completing the survey on the Social Pinpoint site.”

The community input in April, May and June of 2023 will allow Berry Dunn to update their Environmental Scan of Holliston, which will be used to present a proposed Town-Wide Strategic Plan to the Town in the fall of 2023.

Bringing the community together, whether it is at a forum or online, is one of Berry Dunn’s strengths.

To participate in discussions online, or stay updated in the process, visit the Social Pinpoint site at This website, which is enabled with a language translator, is hosted by the consultant Berry Dunn and encourages discussions and leaving your ideas on an “Idea’s Wall.”

For more information about the Strategic plan or how to participate, please visit the Town website Envisioning Future Holliston Committee page

Questions can be directed to Kathleen Buckley, Assistant Town Administrator at or Travis Ahern, Town Administrator at      

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