Rail Trail Benefits from “Honey Money”

Holiston Reporter

We want to thank all our customers who purchased our Holliston Honey from September 1st through December 31st! 

As stated, we would donate $1.00 for every jar sold to be donated to the Friends of the Holliston Rail Trail. We sold 894 jars of Holliston that we produced from our bees located on Central Street, and at our Honeyard on Chestnut Street. We will be adding our own donation on top off this amount and round the donation up to $1,000!

Thank you to everyone who supported us and the rail trail! We will continue to keep up donations for every jar sold in 2022!

Thank you,

Boston Honey Company Inc.

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3 thoughts on “Rail Trail Benefits from “Honey Money”

  1. On behalf of the Friends of Holliston Trails, we are so honored that you chose us as the recipients of your campaign—thank you! All donations made to our organization go directly to the trail for safety improvements, amenities, and community events on the trail. ~ See you on the trail!

  2. As a board member of Friends of Holliston Trails, we thank you for your support! Your funds support programming like the 1st Night Trail Walk, as well as bike repair stations and pet stations. The community thanks you.

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