Representative Dykema Announces Local Office Hours

Holliston Reporter

Continuing a tradition that began when she was first elected, Representative Dykema will be holding her quarterly office hours in each of the four towns of the 8th Middlesex District.

“My local office hours give me the opportunity to hear directly from constituents about the challenges they face and the issues they’re most passionate about,” said Rep. Dykema. “These conversations shape my priorities at the State House and are essential to the work I do to effectively represent our communities.”

Residents are encouraged to stop in to their local office hours to share concerns, questions and opinions on state issues or simply to chat over a cup of coffee.

As always, if the scheduled office hours are not convenient for you, please call the office at

(617) 722-2680 or email to set up a personal appointment either in the district or at the State House. 

###State Representative Carolyn Dykema proudly represents the towns of
Holliston, Hopkinton, Southborough and Westborough (pct. 2).

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