School Committee Meeting Recap

The Holliston School Committee (HSC)  met on Thursday, January 23, 2025 at 5:00 pm in the
Holliston High School Library for its Priority Needs presentation and at 7:00 pm for regular
session. The entirety of both meetings were recorded and may be viewed here:
Prior to the regularly scheduled School Committee meeting, the district principals from each
school presented on what their priority needs are for the upcoming school year. This included
everything from classroom materials to additional teachers and staff. The needs presented are
subject to change based on funding availability and other factors. (Beginning of video through
minute 50:10 of video)
After the School Committee approved the consent agenda and accepted gifts for the district,
one of the two HHS Student Representatives present provided their report, which included a
recap of the Service Learning community event held at the high school. Final exams will begin
tomorrow; best of luck to all students! (see minute 50:45 of video) 
The report from the HHS Student Representative was followed by School Committee Individual
Comments. Sarah Fitzgerald wanted to remind everyone that the RAMS and Miller winter
concert will be held on January 28 th and that Challenge Day will be February 10 th at RAMS and
February 11 th at HHS. Dawn Neborsky provided an update on Service Leaning Night as
mentioned by the Student Representative Report. Dawn reported on projects on renewable
energy, Unified Theater, and the new Mock Trial team which competed last Wednesday and
will compete again tomorrow. (see minute 51:40)
Following School Committee Individual Comments, was an opportunity for the public to address
the School Committee. Anne Connoni, who is a math teacher in the district, expressed her
concerns with de-leveling math courses and adding additional responsibilities to the teachers.
Sean Bilodeau, who is a music teacher in the district, commented on the HHS Scheduling
Subcommittee, claims he was involuntarily removed from it, and expressed concerns with the
Holliston Federation of Teachers’ actions during the HHS scheduling process. (see 54:00)
Next on the agenda, HHS Junior Amelia Holmes presented her Global Citizens Program service
project. Holmes discussed youth engagement in the political process and how to combat apathy
in her generation. After Holmes, English teacher Shawna Frost presented on Wear Cuerd@s,
whose mission is to make clothing for people with issues concerning sensory stimulation by
creating more soothing patterns; clothing is being donated to hospitals throughout the region.
Frost partnered with HHS alum Megan Burke on this project. Frost continued by presenting a
proposal for an international field trip to Thailand, as part of the Global Citizenship program.
Students from HHS would spend twelve days in Thailand learning about the culture and
partaking in a sustainability project. The HSC voted 7-0 to approve the trip. (see 1:06:20)

Next was an update from the Central Office Administrators. Superintendent Kustka announced
that an interview for a permanent principal at RAMS will be held on January 30 th . Sarah
Fitzgerald expressed interest in participating in the process as the liaison from the HSC. Dr.
Kustka held a roundtable discussion with RAMS students and many of them had input as it
pertains to the principal search and what they would like to see in a permanent principal. (see
Following the Central Office Administrator updates was a continued discussion on the potential
HHS Schedule change. Dan Alfred read a statement which asserted that the HFT has failed to
bargain in good faith, but that the HSC remains open and committed to working with the HFT to
implement a new schedule for the 2025-26 school year. The HSC had two votes of 7-0: one to
authorize Dr. Kustka to look into the feasibility of making minor changes to the existing HHS
schedule to allow for yearlong classes, and the other vote approving the HSC communication to
the public about this issue. (see 1:53:00)
The next meeting of the Holliston School Committee will be February 13, 2025 in the Holliston
High School Library at 7:00 pm. 

A note to readers: This recap is by no means an exhaustive summarization of the School
Committee Meeting. Please always feel free to reach out to any member of the committee with
questions or concerns at any time.

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