School Committee Meets

Holiston Reporter

Chair Stacey Raffi opened Thursday night’s School Committee (SC) remote meeting at 7:04 PM, following Executive Session for the purpose of collective bargaining strategy with the Holliston Federation of Teachers.  First on the agenda was an update from the two HHS senior representatives to SC, Julia O’Neill and Elise Andelman.

Julia O’Neill (L) and Elise Andelman (R)

Julia recognized Art Saves Lives and said that student artwork can be viewed online this year. (Click here for Art Saves LIves)  She also mentioned the upcoming election of students for the Regional Student Advisory, and the Junior Step-Up Day that occurs following the departure of Seniors.  Elise announced Saturday’s 2021 Graduates’ Car Parade, May 26, the last day for Seniors, and June 3 Baccalaureate.  Elise also said that the Senior Showcase will be recorded by HCAT and the original student play The Misdirected will be filmed. The date of a final concert is June 10.  See the HHS website for more details on any of these events: HHS Website  The representatives then thanked the SC for including them and providing an outlet for updating the community.  Members of the SC issued the students thanks and congratulations.

Andy Morton (L) and Lisa Kocien (R)

Outgoing SC member Andy Morton thanked the members “for the great privilege of serving with you the past 6 years.”  With Town Elections on Tuesday, May 25, SC incumbent and candidate Lisa Kocian conveyed her thanks to everyone, noting, “This might be my last meeting.”  Outgoing SC member Anne Louise Hanstad was not present.  Chair Raffi thanked all three of these members for their time, effort, and sacrifice, as well as being a part of the SC team. On Tuesday, May 18, Superintendent Dr. Susan Kustka reported that she received the following guideline from  MA Dept. of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE):  “Effective May 18, guidance from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and the Department of Early Education and Care will be updated to no longer require masks for outdoor activities like recess and to allow for the sharing of objects in classrooms, in both K-12 and childcare settings.” The SC voted to rescind Policy EBCFA – Face Coverings so as not to be in violation. The HPS website will be updated to reflect this change.

Dr. Kustka updated information on the upcoming 2021 HHS May 29 Graduation, the most notable being graduates will be allowed 6 rather than 4 guests each.  For more guidance, see website:  HHS Graduation Guidelines 

In New Business, the SC voted to appoint Bryan DiGeorgio, an Officer with the Holliston Police Department, as School Resource Officer for the 2021-22 school year with an annual stipend of $1600.  Chair Raffi noted that Article 36 (Establishment of a Comprehensive Long Range Planning Committee) of the recent Town Meeting Warrant was approved at the May 10-11, 2021, Town Meeting. According to the Article, Dr. Kustka and the SC Chair or her designee will serve on the new Comprehensive Long Range Planning Committee.  The SC voted to approve a new job description “Assistant Superintendent of Finance and Operations” to replace the title “Business Manager,” and to appoint Keith Buday, present Business Manager, to this position.  The SC also approved the job description of the Director of Social and Emotional Learning and Equity, and a job description for a Data Systems Specialist. 

The following warrants were approved:  school bills for $207,383.12 ($3,730.80 CARES Act), $339,763.05 ($690 CARES Act) and $87,093.58 ($96.96 CARES Act related);  also a cafeteria bill approved of $18,78.01.

Dr. Kustka reported that an Assistant Superintendent (for Curriculum, Instruction, and Technology) Candidate Forum was held this week.  Each candidate had 45 minutes of time. The following are the three finalists:  David Jordan, Joanne Menard, and Laryssa Doherty.

The next remote and open meeting of the SC is Tuesday, May 25, at 8 PM.  The agenda includes School Choice seats and a vote on the Superintendent’s contract.  Following this, the regularly scheduled June 3 remote meeting will be at 7 PM. 

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