In attendance: Chair Tina Hein, Vice Chair Ben Sparrell, Clerk Damon Dimmick, Town Administrator Travis Ahern
Appointment of Board of Assessor Member through May 2025 Local Ballot (replacing resignation)
Person to fill the vacancy until the next election. There are two candidates. Explained differences in two members. The recommendation is we go with Pat Hafford (been in town for 36 years and has been active in the community).
Clerk Dimmick made a motion to accept the recommendation, 2nd by VC Sparrell, motion passed.
Discussion with Youth Advisory Council regarding change of name
Mr. Matt Putvinski, the Chair of YAC introduced the proposal to change the name.
Youth Advisory Council is in the ByLaws creating an identity crisis because there are numerous names floating out there.
Ms. Winer described the “founding” of the board and reason for the board. Given how far the Council has come over the thirty years, we are recommending the name be changed to the Holliston Youth & Family Advisory Committee.
Clerk Dimmick made a motion to accept the recommended name change, 2nd by VC Sparrell, motion passed.
Discuss and Finalize Weekly Maintenance Plan for Dog Waste Stations on Upper Charles Rail Trail
A recommendation was made to select Duty Calls to be selected by the vendors beginning in November and on a weekly basis. Temporarily the volunteers will service the areas not covered by the contract.
TA Ahern mentioned a comment he received regarding payments for waste cleanup which the resident was unhappy about (increased costs, non-dog owner, does not use Rail Trail)….
It was suggested that perhaps in the future we look at higher fees for dog licensing, etc.
Clerk Dimmick made a motion to budget for Duty Calls through June 30 2025, 2nd by VC Sparrell, motion passed.
Discuss and Finalize Intermunicipal Agreement (IMA) with the Town of Sherborn for a regional Sustainability Coordinator
Extended discussion led by TA Ahern warning we do not want to “over-reach” on hours, because we DO need to make sure we do not over-extend nor tie the person who is hired to not have access to the experts.
** we will come back to this**
Public Hearing – Eversource Indian Ridge South and Turner Road to install a pole, cables, wires, and guys for telecommunications
Pole in question:
Clerk Dimmick made a motion to approve, 2nd by VC Sparrell, motion passed.
Continued Public Hearing – Eversource from October 15, 2024 for Railroad Street and Elm Street related to EV Charger
Item in question:
Requester was confirmed to be Depot Package Store. Will not interfere with ADA compliance.
The reason for the 2nd pole is because there is already too much coming off the existing pole. A second pole would be required for an EV station.
Clerk Dimmick made a motion to approve the pole with the added caveat that the work be started and completed when school is NOT in session and a police detail is in place during the work. 2nd VC Sparrell, motion carries. 2 in favor, 1 abstain.
Close public hearings.
Return to: Regional Sustainability Coordinator
A back-and-forth discussion regarding grants, hours, etc. occurred regarding this position as well as the budget allowed for the total budget that already exists.
Clerk Dimmick made a motion to approve the Sustainability Coordinator with a schedule of 15 weekly hours. 2nd by VC Sparrell Motion passed.
None from Clerk Dimmick, None from VC Sparrell, Chair Hein indicated everyone should get out to vote on Tuesday.
Comments of the Town Administrator
Exchange Street parking lot is now completed (via Ahronian Way).
View from Exchange Street:
There are two accessible parking spots in the area.
GHB ran a program which featured our Town Clerk. You can see the program here:
Weekly Warrants
Clark Dimmick made a motion to approve the Weekly Warrants, 2nd by VC Sparrell, motion passed.
Board Business
Board authorization for variance application to the Architectural Access Board (AAB) regarding potential private development and related access on Town property (parking lot behind Town Hall)
Motion by Clerk Dimmick to approve the TA to sign the agreement with developer. 2nd by VC Sparrell, motion passed.
Request to lift moratorium prohibiting street-cutting on newly constructed or re-constructed pavement less than 5 years old, except in cases of emergencies (148 and 154 Union Street)
Driveway permits for two (2) driveway openings at 148 and 154 Union Street (stormwater and land disturbance permit approved by Planning Board.
These two motions required Chair Hein to leave the meeting as she is an abutter.
These motions were tabled after a lengthy discussion.
Contract for Bowditch Excavating, Inc. for tees at the Golf Course 212 Prentice Street $123,860. Approved by Golf Course Advisory Committee as a previous Meeting
Clerk Dimmick made a motion to approve, 2nd by VC Sparrell, motion passed.
Appointment of Paramedics: Erin Kelly and Michael Eaton
Clerk Dimmick made a motion to approve the appointments, 2nd by VC Sparrell, motion passed.
A discussion went on about changing the SB Meeting schedule to the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month versus every week.
SB meeting adjourned for Executive Session – Reason 2 – Strategy with respect to collective bargaining with the Holliston Police Association (HPA) and non-union personnel (Town Administrator)
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