Monday night’s Select Board agenda was full and the Board took action on a wide range of topics.
Warrants totally $738,188.14 were approved.
Public comments by the Board: Mr. Cronin thanked the DPW for its snow removal during last week’s storms. He cited the Medal of Liberty presentation honoring a Vietnam War hero. He commended the HPD for a traffic stop that led to an arrest for OUI, unlicensed driver, Class B drugs, and weapons charges. Mr. Ahronian complimented Select Board member Tina Hein (who was absent due to illness), calling her “really sharp” and has integrity. We hope that Mrs. Hein was watching the HCAT broadcast to catch the compliment.
Richard Rosenberry suggested that there be an advisory committee established to assist the soon to be hired Sustainability Coordinator.
Jeff Ritter updated the Board on several administrative activities moving forward in town. Most notable in the list were:
- The town’s efforts to receive a AAA Bond rating soon.
- Holliston is still looking for a repesentative on MWRTA – interested contact Mr. Ritter.
- A working group is meeting to utilize the$100,000 grant for improved public safety communications
Next up was Electricity aggregation, how Holliston purchases electricity for it to offer to its citizens. Two representatives from Colonial Power, the town’s aggregator, updated the Board on changing regulations from he MA DPU. They informed the Board that it is possible to build into the rate partial funding for the Sustainability Coordinator position.
Joan Levinsohn asked if the town would look for a higher (currently 24%) rate of renewable energy sources in future contracts. The Board will work with the aggregator to offer such options. She also mentioned that Ashland is using some of their electric rate to fund the sustainability role.
Park and Rec Director, Mark Frank, updated the Board on his department’s work to improve the town’s baseball fields. Using the CPC funds approved at the recent town meeting, he has contracted with the Drake Company to repair the Adams School field and six little league fields prior to the 2020 season. The Rec department is also exploring ways to reduce phosphate runoff into Lake Winthrop from the town beaches.
In Board business:
- Approved the November 25, 2019 minutes
- A working group is screening resumes and will recommend 2-3 finalists to Board in early January
- The sustainability job description will be posted calling for applicants
- $222,000 was transferred from the Reserve Fund to cover veterans’ benefits. The amount is necessary to cover the number of vets receiving benefits – it went up from 4 to 8.
- David Thorn was appointed to the Septage Committee
- Several town eateries had their Common Victualler license renewed
- Several automotive businesses had their dealers’ licenses renewed
- Andrew Gentile and Ann Diresta were appointed as Auxiliary Police officers.
- A Host Community Agreement with Good Chemistry Industries was approved.
The Mass DoT needs was postponed until Mrs. Hein is present at a future meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 7:55 pm
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Regarding the aggregate Town electric rate, Other towns offer up to 3 rate choices. Does Holliston offer choices? Does Holliston tell its citizens what the rates are or will be? If so, who publishes this information?