Select Board Discusses Economic Development

The Holliston Select Board (SB) held a relatively short meeting on Monday, April 25, 2022.  Chair Tina Hein called the meeting to order at the stroke of 7:00pm.

Review & Discuss Recommendations from Economic Development Committee (EDC) Chair

The SB spoke with the outgoing chair of the EDC, who had sent a letter to the SB outlining some observations and recommendations.  Matt Coletti (below) has served on the EDC for five years and wanted to share his perspective with the SB.

The conversation explored several points raised by Mr. Coletti.  The SB characterized this as the first installment of an ongoing dialogue about Economic Development in Holliston.

Mr. Coletti pointed out that it has been challenging to collaborate beyond the EDC to turn ideas into actions.  Relying on volunteers alone does not appear to be a sustainable effective model to promote Econ. Dev.  Other towns have Town staff working with the volunteer committees.  Holliston has been looking for a part-time resource to support the EDC – to no avail – yet.  Mr. Coletti said the current structure is “well-intentioned and under resourced.”  Several of the EDC’s recent meetings have had to be cancelled due to a lack of quorum – more about vacant seats on committees later in this report.

As the conversation went on, several of the EDC’s accomplishments came up: the passage of State legislation establishing an Economic Development Fund, several downtown improvements have had EDC support, the Local Rapid Recovery Project report involved EDC members, and a Business Directory is now on the Town website (below).

Each member of the SB thanked Mr. Coletti for his service and taking the time to compile his thoughts into a letter to prompt this, and future, discussions.

The SB asked Mr. Ahern to explore using some of the Town’s remaining ARPA grant to get professional input on how Holliston could develop a more effective Economic Development approach.  Mr. Ahern reminded everyone that all the video footage from the new Community Profile video is owned by the Town and some business owners may want to use different clips to promote their business.

May 2022 Annual Town Meeting – Event Preparation and Review of Warrant

All materials related to the May Town Meeting are being posted on the Town website ->

Mr. Sparrell reminded everyone that the meeting will start at 7:00pm (NOT 7:30!).  Sparrell also praised Mr. Ahern for developing such a thorough and understandable (relative to some Warrants) document to guide the Town Meeting’s work.

Mrs. Hein shared that the Youth Division of the Holliston Community Action Fund will be offering FREE babysitting at the High School during the Town Meeting.  More details to come.

Chief Cassidy presented a brief view of the meeting logistics – more like pre-pandemic in most ways.  He will share more details at next week’s SB meeting.

Warrants: The SB unanimously approved the weekly payments totaling – $1,838,939.95

Public Comment:

  • Mr. Cronin: Paid tribute to Ray Moloney, former HFD Chief from 1991 – 2000 who passed away last week.  Chief Moloney was a “wonderful man.”
  • Mrs. Hein: Asked that all attending the SB observe a moment of silence in Chief Moloney’s memory.
  • Mr. Sparrell: None
  • Public: None

Comments from Town Administrator:

  • Periodic Review of Open Seats for Appointment on Boards/Committees – Many appointed Town committees have vacant seats.  Citizens may check the openings at any time on the Town website -> Committee Vacancies | Town of Holliston MA. The list is maintained and updated by the Town Clerk.  Interested volunteers should make their interest known to / through the Town Administrator.  The SB talked briefly about how a talent bank could be used as a central location to collect / screen / align volunteers with committees.
  • Holliston’s AAA “stable” bond rating comes just in time.  The Town will be borrowing this Wednesday for the new water filtration plant on Central St.  Mr. Ahern said the rating will save the Town many thousands of dollars over the life of the Bond.  Mr. Ahern state he was “very proud” of the Holliston financial team (Mary Bosquet, Sharon Emerick, Kathryn Peirce, and Kevin Rudden) who met with Standard and Poor’s to secure our excellent rating.
  • The Town’s liability insurance carrier will remain with the MA Interlocal Insurance Association (MIIA) for the coming year.
  • The preliminary cost data from the study of the Houghton and Factory Pond dams has come in and will be shared with the Dam Working Group soon.  A presentation to the SB will take place soon.

Board Business:

  • Appointment of Deputy DPW Director (Highway Superintendent)

Sean Reese, DPW Director, shared prepared remarks regarding Robert Walker’s performance during the past 6-months.  Mr. Reese (below left) wholeheartedly recommended to the SB that Mr. Walker (below right) be made the permanent Deputy DPW Director / Highway Superintendent.  Here are some of the reasons he put forward:

  • Enthusiasm for the job
  • Undertaken all tasks no matter how large – or small
  • Revamped the snow/ice removal protocol with better results
  • Serving as the “clerk of the works” as the contractors complete the Mudville repaving
  • Developing strong relationships with other Town departments
  • Responsive to citizens
  • Ever-changing work viewed as opportunities

The SB members each added their endorsement of Mr. Walker’s contributions during the “interim” period – arriving at what was described as, “violent agreement” that Mr. Walker should be appointed THE Deputy DPW Director.  The vote was unanimous to make the appointment permanent.  Congratulations and thank you Mr. Walker.

  • Accepted two State ARPA Awards: $300,000 for water infrastructure; $350,000 for water/sewer infrastructure.  It was noted that these funds are not part of the Town’s $4.5 million ARPA allocation.  The SB hopes that more such funds will flow from the State’s ARPA funds in the future.
  • Approved minutes of March 21, 2022, meeting.
  • Disbanded the Affordable Housing Committee.  The members were thanked for their work and the records of their work are archived on the Town website.  This committee was chartered to identify obstacles to affordable housing in Holliston.

Other Business:

  • Mr. Cronin and Mr. Sparrell expressed great concern about the current W-L record of the team that sometimes plays baseball at Fenway Park.  Chris Meo, who was in the audience, provided a calming outlook about the Sox.
  • Mr. Ahern updated the SB on the most recent plan for MassDOT’s repaving of Routes 16 and 126.  The project is now likely to begin in July of this year.  Much of the road repaving will be done overnight to minimize traffic disruption.  More specific information has been requested through Senator Spilka’s office.

The meeting adjourned at 8:05pm.  That’s not a typo!

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One thought on “Select Board Discusses Economic Development

  1. I’d like to correct one thing. The Committee that was dissolved was the Market Affordable Housing Committee. This committee was not looking at subsidized or public supported affordable housing but seeking to understand why there is no privately developed housing that can be sold at more affordable prices around. $250,000-300,000 (this was prior to the giant jump in values of the past two years.) The Affordable Housing Committee functions as the Housing Trust and continues to operate and develop subsidized and permanently affordable units under the Chairmanship of Bryan Clancy.

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