Following the agenda, the first item was the approval of the weekly warrants totaling $1,919,231.31.
During Public Comment:
- Mrs. Hein read into the record a release from the Holliston Police Department describing the heroic actions of two HPD officers during a house fire on Carl Road in the early morning hours on Sunday.
- Mr. Cronin seconded the comments shared by Mrs. Hein.
- Mr. Ahronian thanked Rolf and Barbara Briggs who are helping Holliston High students to inventory trees. Also, the Select Board will be meeting this Wednesday (March 11) at 7:30 pm to review emergency preparedness. The discussion will be led by Fire Chief Michael Cassidy who is the Town’s Emergency Management Director.
Bob Malone, Chair of the Council on Aging, made a request of the Board to help recruit an interested citizen to join the Council to fill a vacancy. If you are someone who has an interest in volunteering in this way, please contact the Town Administrator or Mr. Malone.
Ms. Hoffer asked the Board about the next steps and timeline for building the water treatment plant that was approved at 2018 Town Meeting. This ongoing issue has previously been mitigated by the installation of a whole house water filter – provided by the Town. She reports that the filter cartridge designed for 6 month use, needs to be replaced every 3 months. The Board confirmed that the new plant is scheduled to be operational in November 2021. The Board will follow up with Ms. Hoffer with more details.
The Holliston Garden Club sought the Board’s acceptance of a gift of two 7 foot Dogwood trees, and approval to plant them in the Town cemetery to complete the row currently in place just inside the fence along Washington St. The Board accepted the gift and approved the planting (with help from the DPW).
The main event of the evening was the Board’s review of the School Committee’s recommendation to authorized Dr. Jackson to submit a Statement of Interest (SOI) to the Massachusetts School Building Authority (MSBA). The Town submitted a SOI in 2019. The application was not selected by the MSBA for action.
Dr. Jackson stated that “the future of Holliston High School is unknown, and the experts at the MSBA can help the Town determine what is the best option.”
The Board approved the official authorization document proscribed by the state for submission by Dr. Jackson. There was some related discussion about how the SOI should not be seen as a reason not to do other capital improvements across the Town.
Board Business:
- The Board will have a second interview with the Community Paradigm Associates owner at next week’s meeting regarding the search for a new Town Administrator.
- The Board reviewed some updated language in the DRAFT Town Meeting Warrant. Mr. Ritter and the Board will continue the refinements next week.
- The Traffic Letter was tabled until after the Traffic Advisory Committee meets later this month.
- The Board (with Chair Ahronian abstaining) accepted a donation from Mark Ahronian in the amount of $582.29 (unused campaign funds) earmarked for the Holliston Police Department.
- The Board approved the Event Permit and 1 day liquor license for this Thursday evening’s Bingo fundraiser for the Class of 2020 and the Friends of HPD’s K-9 to be held at Christ the King Church.
In other business, Mrs. Hein and Mr. Cronin commented about the current budget preparation to be sure we: 1) have all the monies available to the Town in the budget; and 2) that the budget guidelines are applied fairly.
The Board will put on its agenda for next week to generate the three agenda items it wants on the next Tri-Board meeting agenda.
The meeting adjourned at 9:15 pm.
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