Select Board: May 24, 2021 Meeting

Holiston Reporter

The May 24, 2021 meeting of the Holliston Select Board was called to order by Chair John Cronin at 7:01pm.  The picture below shows two things: Mrs. Hein was not in attendance and the IT Director Chris Meo was testing out a new video angle. Along with the camera came a new microphone system that improved the sound quality / clarity immensely.

Coronavirus Community update

Emergency Management Director, Fire Chief Michael Cassidy had a big smile under his mask this week:

  • Only TWO new cases reported in the past week.
  • Holliston’s positivity rate has dropped – also the number of COVID tests administered has dropped.
  • Holliston has moved from Yellow to the next lower category – GRAY.

Cassidy reported that 23% of the 12 – 15 age group and 90% of the 16 – 19 age group have received at least one dose of the Pfizer vaccine.

With the current abundant supply of vaccines, the need to pre-register is being phased out within the coming week.  The effort is now to deliver vaccinations at home to those still in need.

Chief Cassidy cautioned against burning our masks just yet.  Even after May 29th, masks will be required as shown below.  Also, some businesses may still require face coverings while in their establishment.

CARES Act / ARPA Programmatic update

Mr. Ahern is assembling a steering group (not committee) to map out how Holliston can best use funds from the American Recovery Plan Act (ARPA).  It is expected that a similar process to how CARES Act monies were requested / allocated will be used to triage needs from all Town departments, boards, committees, etc.  The steering group meetings will be open to the public for citizen input.

Warrants: The Board approved the weekly warrants totaling: $1,994,205.46

Public Comment:

  • Mr. Sparrell:
    • 3 updates from the DPW:  the sidewalk study is nearly complete and will be presented to the Board soon; Winter St. water main project is about 25% complete with a September finish likely; ALL Holliston wells PASSED a test earlier this year to detect the toxic PFAS chemicals – all the wells will be tested again shortly with the same result expected.
    • Sparrell asked all his fellow citizens to exercise the right to vote at Tuesday’s (TODAY) Town election – High School Field House; 7:00am to 8:00pm.

Comments from the Town Administrator: Mr. Ahern shared the following with the Board:

  • The Town Clerk’s office will be closed Tuesday (TODAY) due to the election.  Mr. Ahern will be available to citizens as a back-up.
  • Holliston small businesses will be visited by Eversource representatives looking for energy efficiencies that might be realized.  The visits will occur between June 6 – 11.
  • Holliston residents will be eligible for clean energy rebates through a challenge grant.  Details to be released soon.
  • The recently approved job of Asst. Town Admin / HR Director will be posted on the MMA (MA Municipal Assoc.) website later this week. Ahern hopes to have someone in the role by August.
  • After the election, the Town Clerk will send an e-mail to all Boards / Committee members regarding the following:
    • Completion of the on-line Code of Conduct training
    • The updated Town e-mail policy (approved in Board Business below)
    • Attending a free seminar on “Gov’t 101” offered by Town Counsel – tentatively scheduled for Sept. 15th.
  • Also, after the election, the members of the Comprehensive Long Range Planning Committee, approved at Town Meeting, will be populated with 14 designated slots from Town Boards and Committees and 3 representatives to represent finance, sustainability, and DPW.

FY21 Retrospective / FY22 Outlook

FY21 Retrospective: Download the attached file below to see the Select Board accomplishments in the past 6 months.

FY22 Outlook:

Mr. Sparrell:

  • Study results will be coming in: sidewalk, water, DPW feasibility.
  • The application and impact of the ARPA grants.
  • Needed steps for Holliston to recover from the pandemic.

Mr. Cronin added:

  • The new staff hires impact on Town operations,
  • The Governance Committee’s continued work,
  • The State’s Technical Assistance Bureau’s review,
  • The Marshall St. Solar Project,
  • The Central St. Water Treatment Plant opening,
  • The impact of the Comprehensive Long Range Planning Committee.

Mr. Ahern on behalf of Mrs. Hein referenced the many grants that could come Holliston’s way.

Board Business:

  • Granted an event permit June 5, 2021 Anniversary Party at Kampersal Field (Closed between South and Fisher)
  • Granted an event permit June 6, 2021 High Rock Road Block Party (closed noon and dusk)
  • Accepted $1,300 grant for HPD Defibrillator from Framingham Union Aid Assoc.
  • Approved the minutes for May 3, May 10, May 11, 2021 meetings
  • Awarded Contract to R.M. Pacella, Inc. $2,510,599 (far below allocated) for Mudville Drainage/Roadway Improvement
  • Awarded an Engineering Services Agreement (Well No. 5) – AP Associates $598,500 (within budgeted funds)
  • Appointed 3 EMT and Firefighters: Andrew Cook of Holliston (on-call FF/EMT); Megahn Cusick of Medway (on-call EMT); Christopher Winner of Holliston (on-call FF/EMT)
  • Approved the updated Town E-mail Communications Policy. See it here ->

Other Business:

Mr. Cronin concluded by saying it has been a pleasure to serve on the Select Board for the past three years.

Mr. Sparrell it has been a pleasure serving with and learning from Mr. Cronin for the past year.

The meeting adjourned at 7:57pm. Early to bed – early to rise and head to the polls!

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