In attendance: Chair John Cronin, Vice Chair Tina Hein, Clerk Ben Sparrell, Town Administrator Travis Ahern
Zoe Moreau (Update on MASSCALL3 Grant)
Presentation from Youth and Family Services: Zoe and Jackie Warner is on Zoom call. Update on the coalition – new grant potential. Highlights about the coalition:
Graduated Coalition Academy which was required by CDC grant. Graduation Ceremony is at the end of January.
Youth front: been working on getting involved with the schools and there has been a Youth Action team which is still on a start-up basis. They currently have Juliette, an intern from the high school working with them. A really big meeting is next week (12/14) from 6pm to 8pm – trying to get everyone’s voices to plan next year’s plan. Wants as many stakeholders as possible to attend for feedback.
Mass Call 3 Grant: Hopkinton got that grant a few years ago and there are 5 town totals (Clusters) Holliston, Hopkinton, Medway (and two others). Hopkinton is the leader and they have brought it to the other towns. Each year the grant gets renewed, and we have a chance to be part of that. We worked with the coalition and have only met with the cluster once (COVID) issues. More collaboration with surrounding towns, which also allows for more perspectives. Great opportunity for Holliston.
Medfield and Wayland are included in there according to Travis.
Board Questions:
Ben: No questions. Appreciates the grant opportunities and efforts to coordinate with other communities.
Tina: Congrats on 6 months to Zoe who is doing excellent work and you’ve made great strides. Questions on the Metrowest Health Youth survey – are the 5 towns involved in that survey – will we have access to that data though the coalition?
Jackie Responds: They may not participate in the same survey but they may have a Youth and Risk Survey they are utilizing and the big part of the grant is sharing of data.
Tina commented that sharing of data seems like one of the big features. How much is the grant for the 5 communities? – Zoe – up to $250 for this year and next year, and years after that it may go back down, and that amount is a question. Overall, it is a significant amount of money.
What is our commitment? Zoe: It is more time (Zoe’s) working on initiatives and participating and bringing in coalitions to collaborate on events provided. Coalition members are asked to participate in events and help with surveys during the events. We’re working on a coordinator (sub-committee level) for handling data, and this may provide the best opportunity to get that off the ground.
Tina: Will be there on the 14th and if there’s a group you’d like to see contact her.
John: Questions about grant: Several of the grant’s checkboxes include sharing of information on health data collected over the life of the grant. You’re asking communities to engage local stakeholders and if there is a lack of youth data then we’re going to need to provide. How can we ensure that data is protected – where does it come from and how is it protected when shared among the collaborative. What measures?
Zoe: All info is currently shared on Google drive, one public and one “ultra confidential”. The data is only shared with the “cluster” representing the cluster where the data was obtained.
John: When youth come in contact are they informed their data is going to be used in this manner?
Most of the data is obtained from the Metrowest survey. Some are obtained through focus groups and the schools.
Travis: Please share the COPA and other Privacy Act information:
Jackie: when collecting data, we must adhere to strict policies including legal and ethical policies. Currently information is interviews, focus groups, and surveys. We need parental consent and make sure the data is anonymous and even when a specific person may be identifiable, the information is anonymized. We are only able to use it in certain ways and there are certain ways to make sure that it is in full compliance with all regulations pertaining to information. Depending on the nature of the age group, there are specific guidelines for protecting information. This is laid out in the MASSCALL3 grants and must be adhered to in order to continue in the grant process.
John: That’s fine, we just want to make sure that this information is protected so that it’s not leaked since shared GDrives can be problematic.
Length of grant: Are any expenses associated with personnel or are the grant funds program driven? We can “pay” coalition members for specific tasks, but we have not really talked about the various initiatives and how the funds should be used (including adult and youth members). We’re hoping to collaborate and determine how others who have used these grants have used the funds, including events, collaboration, and other details.
Ben made a motion to approve the MOA subject to any changes which may be pertinent. Tina seconded, motion carried.
Open Warrant for 2024 Annual Town Meeting (May 13, 2024)
We will do a press release and will do it by submitting to the Holliston Reporter. We are in good shape timewise. March 11 is the presumed close of the warrant.
Motion: to open warrant (Ben), Tina seconded – unanimously passed.
Ben made a motion to approve the outstanding warrant, Tina seconded, passed.
Public Comment
Ben: Marshall Street Recycling Center reminder regarding hours for December and January. Closed 12/24. Winter Parking ban reminder (through March) from 1am to 5am ticketed and towed if violated.
Tina: Filed disclosure with state ethics committee for an issue she and her husband have.
Board of Health meeting found there was general support for moving ahead with the downtown project. Some comments regarding wastewater treatment. Good meeting and productive.
John: There is an upcoming joint meeting
Meeting on Wednesday regarding Coalition Against Hate and Violence to have a conversation about ways to move forward with eliminating this type of issue in Holliston.
Wishes Holliston a Happy 299th Birthday (which was on Sunday) Looking forward to the 300th birthday.
No additional public comments.
Comments from the Town Administrator
Board of Health already covered. We are still trying to schedule some things with DEP and once that is scheduled we’ll let you know. Currently plan to be working with DEP staff member who is newly assigned (we’ve been through several).
DEP and others we received good news to access site, we’re still in land court but we’re looking for information regarding site and the EPA has provided us with access to the site potentially. That will be a major milestone. This will allow us to make a decision as we move ahead.
Upcoming: Grant applications are due by the end of this calendar year (for Arbor Day), we’re waiting for additional guidance but we’re expecting to have this submission prepared in more than sufficient time.
Next week we will be discussing name change for section of Lowland Street (separate press release sent to Holliston Reporter). Discussion regarding flag policy needs to be scheduled. We have several policies to look at and considering the City of Boston case, we’d like to resolve this and make sure ours is current.
Waiting for traffic updates and we’re hoping to be able to move forward: We are waiting for signage to be installed as per McMahon recommendations. They’re not quite finished but we’re getting there.
Tina: Is there going to be signage for detour? Is there striping where Lowland turns into Jeffrey? Travis: I don’t see that here, but I can look into it.
Financial Discussions
a. FY2025 Select Board Budget Schedule
Handed out packet. Ben: Last year, we had a discussion with Travis regarding schedules and it felt like it was long and a lot of weeks and when we finished it felt like we had to do a lot of extra work. Interested to hear about proposals for schedules, while I find they are interesting, it also condenses the schedule considerably.
Tina: Regarding the two models, she’s in favor of the Saturday schedule.
Ben: Long day but I think that it can be broken up and it’s a good plan. Everyone is providing us the information. It’s a lot but it is the best option.
John: leading to the same option. This used to be done. It is currently planned for 2/17 and is later than it would have been if we had followed the other model. This also gives Travis more time to get budgets rounded up.
Travis indicates they have used this in other towns where he has been involved and found it to be effective.
Ben: Another advantage is the recording: When it’s done over a number of weeks, you have to review numerous recordings in order to capture all of the information you are looking for and having one day, allows a single recorded session providing all of the summaries and information in one spot. Much more accessible when it’s done in one day.
Tina: I know last year we approved FY24. I would like to reconsider the meeting schedule to lighten up on Monday night if we are giving up a number of hours on a Saturday and we could potentially cancel one meeting on a Monday to accommodate.
Ben Motion to support model 2, which is a single day (2/17) for all budget presentations. Tina seconded carried – Monday 22nd January we will do the warrant.
b. OPEB Actuarial Report
Travis: we don’t need to do a variance this evening, but the trust will be meeting on 12/18. We’ll be meeting that night, and the report is not posted online because it’s not approved just yet. The bi-annual report allows us to report changes and will take into consideration various health plan changes to accommodate the changes in our staffing models including the Fire Department.
No questions or comments.
c. Financial Policy Update for 2023 (bi-annual)
Brief conversation a couple of weeks ago. The finance committee has this on their agenda for tomorrow (Tuesday). I will be working with them to get a date which works for both parties. The fund which was established (stabilization fund) needs to be incorporated into the and may be an opportunity for a matching grant if that is the wish of the board. Intent is in the memo and the one change is that should be incorporated.
Ben: Does it also make sense to discuss the opioid and cannabis stabilization funds? Travis: these funds must follow specific guidelines and the landscape is changing so we have to make sure we follow the changes in legislation.
Tina: She does agree with changing the language for matching funds as well. Will be happy to see that in place.
The fund follows Section 40(b) and follows specific guidelines (7 categories) and provides guidance on use of funds. Ultimately, the authorization can go through the Select Board. He’s working with interested parties on steps, and we expect to update the Select Board on how to work this out. We’ll always be following the settlement.
John: Fincom tomorrow night:
Ben: I think this is a great idea and since this was not included in the Town Meeting we may have to make sure that we do this correctly. Does it mean that since we didn’t include it in Town Meeting are we missing a piece in the process?
Tina: The suggestion to include the matching grant is included and this is a broad enough language at the town meeting that it covers us.
Ben: I just want to make sure we’re cognizant of that as we’re writing up the process.
Ben: Motion to allow the TA to incorporate the matching grant language. Tina seconded and motion passed.
Board Business
a. Annual Licenses – All Alcohol Package Stores, Beer & Malt, Common Victualless, Class II – Used Car, Class III – Junk, Entertainment, Restaurants and Amusement Devices
There are no new businesses in Holliston which deal with these licenses so this is the same as it has been.
Ben made a motion to approve licenses as presented. Tina seconded. Passed.
b. Holiday Schedule for 2024
Ben: Approve 2024 Holiday list as presented – Tina seconded – passed.
c. Community Farm BonFire December 31, 2023
Ben Permit for this to be approved (Sunday) from 7:30 – 11:00 at 34 Rogers Road with police detail. Tina Seconded – motion passed.
d. LLA form for the ABCC; Seasonal Population Increase Form for ABCC
Ben made a motion to approve the forms to ABCC Tina seconded, carried.
e. Donation from Arcadian Farms a Yamaha electric piano to the Senior Center
Motion made by Ben to accept the donation from Arcadian to Senior center (value $1500 estimated). Tina seconded. Passed.
Other Business
Ben: None
Tina: Trivia: 2023 YTD how many people on a daily basis walk through Blair Square (458 on average).
Motion to adjourn: Passed.
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1. The downtown sewer project feasibility study assumes the creation of a sewer district that is not reliant on local tax dollars (but will seek grant funding) to support the expansion of the existing wastewater treatment plant; for more information this is the link to the most recent presentation:
2. Public officials file disclosures with the Town Clerk’s Office for various reasons, those required disclosures are set by the regulations from the State Ethics Commission. Questions regarding disclosures can be directed to the Town Clerk’s Office:
Travis J. Ahern
Town Administrator