Select Board Chair Mark Ahronian opened the meeting at 7:06 (following an executive session regarding collective bargaining).
The Board approved the weekly warrants totaling $1,654, 357.54.
During Public Comment Mrs. Hein, back from her brief illness congratulated Y&FS Director, Jackie Winer and Hdaac chair Melissa Stacy on the opening of the Opioid Art Project display now on display at the library. Mr. Cronin wished a belated 295th birthday to Holliston. Mr. Ahronian alerted everyone to the upcoming First Night Trail Walk.
During the Town Administrator’s report, Mr. Ritter shared:
- Facility Manager resume review is underway and finalists should be ready for Board interview by January 10, 2020
- Holliston Fire received two grants totaling $8,405.20, that will offset funding approved at Town Meeting – thank you Chief Cassidy.
- Good Chemistry Cultivators will be holding a public outreach session this Thursday (12/19) at the Library beginning at 5:30 pm.
- Green Community Phase III Grant actions are well underway. Particular focus is on the icing at the back door of town hall.
- The State DEP grant reimbursing the town for its new trash / recycling carts is due any day: $98,089 for recycling and $147,120 for trash.
Building Official, Chris Canney, updated the Board on the Pinecrest door replacement project. During the discussion, Mr. Cronin raised concern that the procurement process didn’t meet the criteria set out in Mass General Law 30b and therefore the process should be restarted. The Board agreed and the procurement process will start with a clearer Statement of Work for replacing the 10 doors at the clubhouse.
The Board approved the following items on the agenda:
- December 9, 2019 meeting minutes;
- Accepted the Park and Rec $500 donation from Ahronian Landscaping (Chair Ahronian abstained);
- Annual Licenses for Alcoholic Beverage and Amusement Devices;
- Event permits for First Night (12/31/2019) and the Harvest Ride for Respite (9/26/2020)
Mrs. Hein spoke about an upcoming meeting with MassDOT regarding traffic improvements in town. There is a ‘laundry list’ of items that could be discussed. Each Select Board member will submit their top three priorities to Mrs. Hein. Mr. Cronin suggested gathering public comment via a well-publicized meeting / survey.
In other business: Mr. Cronin alerted the Board that Holliston’s Statement of Interest (SOI) to the MSBA was not accepted this year. The School Committee just learned this news last Thursday. He suggested that the Board look at the impact of this decision on future capital priorities for the Town.
Mrs. Hein suggested that a working group be formed to capitalize on the recent successful trash / recycling transition. As the Sustainability Coordinator (job posting is open now) will be a key role, the thinking is to wait until that person is on board to take further action on this idea.
The meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm. The next meeting will be Monday, December 23, 2019.
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