The November 2, 2020 Select Board Zoom meeting appeared only in the Gallery View – hence the tic-tac-toe screen look. Nonetheless, Chair, John Cronin began the meeting right on time.
Coronavirus Community Update:
Fire Chief Michael Cassidy shared a somber update to the Board:
- Holliston is up to 152 total cases – 31 Active!
- The cases are spread across 21 separate addresses
- No evidence of school spread – the School administration will be sending home updated communication
- Holliston continues to be in the High Risk (Red) case level
- About 10,000 Holliston residents received a Blackboard Connect alert last Wednesday regarding COVID and other important Town information
- Cassidy thanked those who dialed back their Halloween celebrating
- HPD reports no large gatherings have been brought to their attention requiring dispersal
- New Executive Action from Gov. Bake – beginning this Friday at 12:01am:
- Masks worn when outdoors at ALL times (regardless of social distance)
- Private gatherings limits reduced: indoors – 10; outdoors -25
- Stay-at-home; 10pm – 5am EVERY day
- In place at least through this month
- Safety protocols are all set for in-person voting on November 3rd.
- MA Dept Public Health alert went out to Holliston residents Monday around 5pm
- The Board asked if it should consider reducing the quorum required to conduct the Special Town Meeting scheduled for December 5, 2020 at the HHS Auditorium. He recommends that the Board strongly consider the option provided by special State regulations.
CARES Act Programmatic update: None
Warrants: The weekly Warrant; $601,336.35 was approved by the Board.
Public Comment:
- Mr. Sparrell:
- Leaf pickup week of Nov. 30
- Overnight Parking Ban now in effect
- Vote
- Be Respectful of fellow citizens
- Mrs. Hein:
- The Town Clerk and team will process all ballots received by the end of day Tuesday, November 3rd before the end of the night. Ballots postmarked on Nov. 3rd and received by Nov. 6th will be counted.
- Mr Cronin:
- Thanked the Town Clerk and team for their ‘herculean efforts’ related to this election.
- Public:
Beth Hoffer, 184 Winthrop Street, recently learned that the new water filtration plant won’t be on-line until 2022. She “can’t wait any longer for a solution” to her long-standing water quality issue. She has sent the Board correspondence on this issue. Mr. Cronin asked the Town Administrator to have the DPW Director, Sean Reese prepare remediation actions that could be used for Ms. Hoffer.
Facilities Manager update:
- Mr. Keast received a 3-year plan of Facility Manager actions from the Select Board when he was hired. In less than 8 months on the job he has completed all the year one actions AND many items related to COVID-19.
- Currently he is managing 16 different projects that are underway.
- A key item has been the acquisition of a software tool that tracks all town assets, work orders, maintenance / replacement schedules, and capital planning.
- He is working with the Capital Budget Sub-committee to prepare this and future Capital budgets based on data from the new software.
- Below is what’s next on his drawing board.
Not only has he quickly become an integral part of the Town’s infrastructure staff, his efforts have reaped real dollar savings – with more ideas in the works.
The Board praised Mr. Keast for all his contributions in the relatively short time he has been on board.
Comments from Town Administrator and Warrant Discussion:
Mr. Ahern reviewed several articles that are still being drafted for the Special Town Meeting on December 5th. Currently, Article 5, Capital Budget totals $1.3 Million. Further review of the remaining articles and approval for inclusion on the Special Town Meeting Warrant will be on next week’s Board agenda.
Board Business:
- Provided an update from a Mass DOT site visit last Thursday. The Board learned that there is an existing Heavy Vehicle Exclusion on a portion of Lowland Street between 7pm – 7 am. The Board will pursue extending the exclusion. During the visit, the group met representatives of Medway Public Safety at the Town line on South St. Medway joins in the concern for heavy truck traffic on South St. / Clark St (Medway). The visit was joined by Representative Dykema and a representative from Senator Spilka’s office. The work with MassDOT is continuing.
- Approved the Select Board Meeting Minutes October 5, 2020 and October 19, 2020
- Approved the appointment Dona Walsh, Animal Control 1-year term
- Voted to disband and thank the Town Administrator Screening Committee (since Mr. Ahern has been successfully on the job since July 20th).
Other Business:
- Mr. Sparrell asked his colleagues for feedback on the Quarterly update of Board activities he hopes to publish in the near future.
- Mrs. Hein remined residents along the rail trail that the town’s property is not a space for disposing of yard waste (FYI – The Town’s right-of-way extends 30 feet to either side of the Trail’s centerline.) Discussions continue about trash disposal receptacles at Blair Square.
- Mr. Cronin urged all registered voters who haven’t already voted to exercise the right at Holliston High School from 7am – 8pm Tuesday (TODAY).
The Board voted to enter Executive Session at 9:21 pm (Executive session – reason 6 to consider the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property)