Select Board Handles a Full Agenda

The Holliston Select Board meeting this week was held on Tuesday, October 11, 2022.  This week, Mr. Cronin was meeting remotely.  Again, through the miracle of technology, he was able to take his usual spot at the conference room table.  Chair Ben Sparrell called the meeting to order at 7:02pm, promising a “robust agenda.”  Mr. Sparrell read the required remote meeting guidelines and all votes were taken by roll call – and were unanimous on every decision.

First up was a discussion with two members of the Agricultural Commission who brought concerns about the viability of the AgCom.

Above left, AgCom Secretary Cherie Hafford, and bottom left, AgCom Chair Carrie Marsh Loscocco wanted to bring the Select Board up to date regarding the status of the AgCom.  Hafford and Loscocco have worked hard to bring the AgCom into alignment with the stated purpose of the Commission as shown in the Town By-laws below.

They estimate that there about 20 agricultural enterprises in town and yet participation from those businesses is very limited.  With the introduction of a new agricultural industry – cannabis propagation / manufacturing there will be more businesses that could benefit from a revitalized AgCom.

Town Administrator Travis Ahern pointed to the recent Holliston Farms Day as an example of the AgCom’s work bringing “Agri-tourism” to town.  He is concerned that letting the AgCom’s role fade away will bring a loss to the Town that is not known until it is gone.

The Board thanked Hafford and Loscocco for their volunteer service and vowed to keep working to revitalize the AgCom going forward.  Mr. Ahern will draft a letter / survey for the Board’s review that would be sent to the Holliston agricultural community to find out what they want to see from an AgCom.

Holliston’s Sustainability Coordinator Matt Zettek, above left, provided an update to the Board on all things related to sustainability – results from the past several months, and some projects on the horizon.  His content is captured in the slides below.

This appliance / electronics recycling event is THIS SATURDAY (tomorrow).

The Board approved two requests made by Mr. Zettek: soliciting information from vendors who could provide curbside residential textile pickup (as the State is banning textiles as of Nov. 1, 2022) and to work with the American Rain Barrel Co.- using available grant funding to incent Holliston residents to buy a rain barrel in 2023.

Mr. Cronin asked Mr. Zettek to spearhead an effort by his sustainability colleagues in surrounding towns to send a letter to our State legislators to put some funding behind the unfunded mandates being put into place by MassDEP.

Facilities Manager James Keast, back to camera, reported on the Town’s RFP to collect bids on available parcels of private land that MIGHT be a site for a new DPW facility.  As of the closing date, one bid was received. 

The bid was presented by Black Horse realty group for 40.76 acres at 194 Lowland Street.  Eleven plus acres of the land is buildable, the remainder is wetlands.  Mr. Keast, along with Chief Cassidy, DPW Director Reese, and DPW Deputy Dir. Walker rated the property using a scoring rubric.  Of the 12 points possible, the property received a score of 7.6 (63%).  The asking price for the property is $4.5 million.  The Board was disappointed by the single data point and yet it is a data point that suggests what the market might be if / when a more comprehensive search is needed.  The results of this RFP will be used during the discussion of Article 18 at the Fall Town Meeting – Monday, Oct 17th at 7:00pm.

COVID-19 Community update / ARPA Programmatic update

Emergency Management Director Fire Chief Michael Cassidy (below left) updated the Board on COVID related expenses reimbursed by FEMA.  Currently the Town has $365,000 pending as FEMA reimbursable expenses during the CARES Act pandemic funding.

The Town’s ARPA Steering Group met earlier on Tuesday, October 11, 2022, to review three requests.  The 6-member steering group unanimously recommended two requests for approval by the Select Board.

  • $5,318 for technology to support holding public meetings in Upper Town Hall (as the recent Pre-Town Meeting forum and the MAPC Economic workshop)
  • $15,000 for an outdoor learning space at the elementary schools.  This project is also receiving funding from other sources.
  • The Board also approved reducing the funds allocated to offset the cost of full-day kindergarten by $25,000.

The Board approved both requests.  For those who want to see the Town’s ARPA spending / reserving to date, click here – >

Warrants:  The Board approved the weekly warrant totaling -> $2,871,069.52

Public Comment:

  • Mrs. Hein:
    • Safe Routes to Schools Walking School Bus day on Wednesday, October 12, 2022.
    • The Winter on-street overnight parking ban goes into effect on November 1, 2022
  • Mr. Cronin: None
  • Mr. Sparrell:
    • Please attend Town Meeting next Monday; Holliston High Auditorium, 7:00pm childcare available onsite
    • The MAPC economic workshop is October 12, 2022, in Upper Town Hall
    • The Board of Health has NOT yet scheduled a Public Hearing to discuss tobacco regulations in Holliston.

Comments from Town Administrator:  Mr. Ahern shared the following:

  • Lynn Tokarczyk who worked on the TIF with the Town would be happy to meet with the Board to discuss lessons learned – Mr. Ahern will work to get her on an agenda in the coming weeks.
  • The MAPC workshop will be facilitated by the MAPC as part of their engagement with Holliston related to economic development with a report due in March 2023.
  • The Axton-Cross property has made some progress in land court – no final disposition yet.

Dangerous Dog Hearing – Hargrave Ave. Incident

At 8:02pm the Select Board called a Dangerous Dog Hearing to order to review an incident that occurred on September 29, 2022.

Below left, Animal Control Officer (ACO) Donna Walsh read the report that described the incident in which a 70-pound black lab mix attacked a Yorkshire Terrier.  The Terrier was being walked on a leash.  The Lab was loose.

The Terrier and his owner, Mr. Louis Tabaldi, sustained injuries requiring medical attention. 

The Lab’s owner, Mr. Daniel Derienzo (below right back to camera), was cited by the ACO for having an unlicensed and unvaccinated dog that was running loose.

Mr. Tabaldi (below left front row) recounted the incident from his perspective, having to fight off the larger dog with his flashlight.  Ultimately, Mr. Tabaldi and Mr. Dirienzo were able to separate the dogs.  Amamda Cataldo, a neighbor and witness, (below at conference table) confirmed the details of the incident and reported that neighbors had returned the Lab to Mr. Dirienzo’s home.

Mr. Dirienzo did not dispute Mr. Tabaldi’s recollection of the incident.  Following the incident, the ACO had requested corrective actions be taken by Mr. Dirienzo. When questioned during the hearing, Mr. Dirienzo reported that he had not yet taken those actions.

The Animal Control Officer recommended to the Board that the offending dog be humanely euthanized since it presented an ongoing public safety threat. 

After a thorough review of the incident, reports, and witness statements the Board closed the Public Hearing at 8:46pm.

The Select Board unanimously voted to enact the ACO’s recommendation.

Board Business: The Board took the following actions:

  • Selected Eugene Muller as the at-large citizen to serve on the Traffic Advisory Committee through June 2023.
  • Approved the Lion’s Club/Veterans Luncheon Upper Town Hall Beer and Wine Permit November 11, 2022,11:30 a.m. to 2:00p.m. and request to waive the permit fee
  • Approved the Veterans Day Parade permit
  • Approved a One-Day Beer and Wine license for Historical Society Oktoberfest 10-21-22, and the request to waive the permit fee
  • Approved a One-Day Alcoholic Beverage permit the Case Graduation Party October 29, 2022, Upper Town Hall 6:00 to midnight
  • Approved a One-Day Wine license Xaverian Missionaries Our Lady of Fatima Shrine December 3, 2022, from 5:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.
  • Approved a One-Day Beer and Wine license for Crafted at Boston Honey Co. October 15, 2022, from noon to 5:00 p.m.
  • Approved a One-Day Beer and Wine license for Sue’s bartending Service Upper Town Hall November 5, 2022, from 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 P.M.
  • Approved the minutes of the September 12, 2022, meeting

Other Business:

Mrs. Hein, as liaison to the Board of Health, promised to bring the results of the BoH meeting happening while the Select Board was meeting to the Town Meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 9:49pm.  Please make plans to attend the Fall Town Meeting!

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