I apologize for the delay in getting these out, between being away and being ill, I was really behind schedule. We should have everything caught up this week. D
In attendance: Chair John Cronin, Vice Chair Tina Hein, Clerk Ben Sparrell, Town Administrator Travis Ahern
Discussion of Potential Offer for Town to Purchase 799 Washington Street (vacant gas station in Downtown Holliston)
Background: The town was approached by the listing agent for this property. The SB has had several executive meetings as to whether to purchase the property and make it a town-owned property. Tonight, the SB is voting on this issue.
Ben: expressed his concerns that this is not the right time to make such an investment and indicated he would be a no vote.
Tina: reminded the board that the Economic Development Coordinator has recommended this would be a great location for business incubation and indicates she is in favor of the town going forward with this proposal.
John: for various reasons feels this property is not a good investment at this point.
Ben made a motion to put in a bid for the property: John & Ben voted against; Tina voted in favor. Motion failed the property will not be purchased.
Ben made a motion to pay the warrant, 2nd by Tina passed unanimously.
Public Comment
Reminder that trash and recycling is delayed one day because of the holiday. There is already a one-day delay in place due to weather-related concerns.
Ben: Wednesday he will be meeting with COA regarding interest regarding high school to ensure the folks at the Senior Center are passionate about the town but don’t have children in school. This is a question and answer session for anyone who has questions or concerns. James and John will meet with them on Wednesday.
Tina: To her children – particularly Juniors – the school is cancelled tomorrow – shovels can be helpful during this time – the forecast has shifted significantly, and you get to sleep in!
John: Thank the organizers of the SouperBowl on Friday night at St. Mary’s bringing this important fundraiser to the community. I believe we had over 300 people over the course of the night. Enjoyed local soups donated by local vendors including Superette, Burtucci’s and others. It was a fun night, thanks to Karen Jewett and the group at the Holliston Pantry Shelf.
On February 17th the board will participate in all-day budget meetings. This is a new event to bring all budget needs front and center at the same time. Reminder, there will be no meeting next Monday because of the holiday (and long budget day on Saturday).
No additional public comment.
Comments from the Town Administrator
Updates: Corner of Freen & Washington EV has finally moved forward, and we’ll be using the previously approved policy. At last 2 hookups for EV – the Veteran’s Parking is in place. We’ll be working on planting for the spring.
Had a couple of small tweaks to the budget schedule but you can find all of the information here. Anticipates having the budget proposal in March. We’ll stick as close to the schedule as possible.
Balances outside the normal budget is being tracked, primarily the sewer project. Attempting to get to a formal letter for the budget issue but anticipated as being a minor item.
Tina: Should the board expect to get requests for any additional services or expenditures?
Travis: No, there will be no time – we may be looking for other options we may have other options for funding these items if we need to.
Opioid Stabilization fund: Schedule available online (approximately 15K next year and declining to $10K over 15) That will also be discussed during the budget meeting regarding appropriate use if we are interested in taking external requests.
Request regarding the 300th and economic development — he’ll work with Chair John regarding this.
Board Business
- Meeting Minutes December 11, 2023
- One day Beer & Wine License Upper Town Hall March 20, 2024 PTO Fundraiser from 4:30 to 9:00 p.m. Rushford & Sons
- Waiver of fee request for One Day Liquor License for March 20, 2024 in Upper Town Hall PTO Fundraiser
- Event Permit: Memorial Day Parade Monday May 27, 2024 11 a.m.
- Event Permit: Turkey Trot Thursday November 28, 2024 7:30 to 9:30 a.m.
- Appointments by the VFW for Memorial Day Committee, Ronald Turcotte, Stanley Feinberg, Charles Jacobs, and Eusebio Gonzalez for a term to expire June 2024
Motions made by Ben, 2nd by Tina – passed unanimously
Other Business
Warrant for presidential primary – No vote needed.
Tina: Has anyone heard from CH regarding the parade? John: He’s heard from Theresa they would like to have the SB on a float including former board members. Tina: Will not be available, she’ll be working.
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