Select Board Recap 04/08/2024

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In attendance: Chair John Cronin, Clerk Ben Sparrell, Town Administrator Travis Ahern

Update on existing Heavy Commercial Vehicle Exclusion (HCVE) for Woodland Street

in October there was a change to Lowland Street where people were concerned about the entry into the park. There was a process including improved signage, data collection, enhanced enforcement, and a name change (Fawn).

Chief Matt Stone: Spoke with the business users in the park about the change in the traffic flow and informed them of the changes.

Data showed that large truck traffic in February 2023 was 4.8 percent of all the traffic.  In May 2023, the count was 3.5 percent. February 2024 3.1 percent was large trucks.

From Nov 2022 to current date commercial vehicles were cited 314 times.

Public Comments

Neighborhood feedback – various photos of trucks which are traveling in restricted areas. John also indicated he gets regular emails about such violations.  Bottom line is the neighbors still feel the SB needs to do more.

Another presentation was made that showed traffic backups on Jeffrey (as a result of the changes/diversion).

Lowland Street resident stated most of the traffic backup at Jeffrey seems to be a function of the loading docks where the tractor trailers need to back into the docks. Otherwise the traffic is not as bad.

Central Steet resident – travels that way because of Woodland Street diversion. Again, the loading docks are a problem but so is the Woodland Street bridge closure.

John mentioned this project is underway and will be started soon.

Travis pointed out that the Woodland Street project would be compete in 2025.

Norland Street resident: Woodland/Fawn area – shows that the signs and enforcement are not curbing the problem and we’re interested in the SB finding a solution.

Several other people discussed issues with traffic, safety, and lack of ability to safely navigate their neighborhood due to speeding.

Update on MassDOT TIP application for design of intersection improvements at Whitney Street & Washington Street

MPO Meeting update from April 4, 2024 – we were represented by James Arena-DeRosa and we were approved along with Sherborn. (Route 16 improvements) which gave us $250,000 for designing.

Weekly Warrants – Ben made a motion to approve the weekly warrant, John 2nd and it passed.

May 2024 Town Meeting Preparation and Article Review

Travis reviewed some of the pending issues for the May town meeting. 

Comments from the Town Administrator

FY25 Congressionally Directed Spending (CDS) Application Submitted thanks to working with Senator Markey’s & Senator Warren’s office. This is for the downtown sewer project.

John extended his thanks to Travis for his work on this and also extended his appreciation from Senator McGovern’s office.

Sewall and dam applications have also been submitted to the state for the Woodland Street dam project. If approved it means the entire project can be done without tapping into the town’s reserves.

We have received a cease-and-desist order from Verizon relating to the areas on Washington Stret where we normally hang banners. Travis has escalated the issue with Verizon and has not heard anything back. The DPW has been notified and has been instructed to return any deposits (normally non-refundable) to anyone who has reserved the banner space. Other alternatives will be considered (John suggested utilizing the electronic signage and Chief Stone advised there are currently 4 in town.)

Board Business

Approval of temporary professional and technical services solicitation to support Conservation Commission during staff transition (April 15 to June 15, 2024)

We lost our ConCom chair to the private sector. In order to ensure a smooth transition, we’d like to use a third party during the transition period.

John and Ben extended their thanks and best wishes.

Motion made by Ben and 2nd by John, passed unanimously.

Other Business

John Cronin will be joining the Holliston Lions next Wednesday for presentation of Heart of a Lion

Next week’s meeting will be on Tuesday due to Patriot’s Day.

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One thought on “Select Board Recap 04/08/2024

  1. We need actual numbers of cars and trucks on Woodland St from the Police Chief – waiting for that data.
    The problem on Woodland St has not been resolved signs are not a solution.
    To the public who brought up traffic issues on other streets they should bring up those issues to the Select board.
    Because there are traffic issues in other parts of town does not solve or diminish the problem on Woodland St.

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