Select Board Recap 10/02/23

The agenda is put aside due to Celebrate Holliston being rained out. The meeting was put aside to allow Celebrate Holliston to recognize the Citizen’s of the Year for 2023. Lina Arena Derosa and Jane Gilfoy presented recognition to Richard Ball and Doreen Martel as well recognition from State Rep James Arena-Derosa and Senator Karen Spilka.


Meeting resumed 15 minutes after the opening and the following discussions took place:

Meeting being chaired by VC Tina Hein – thanks everyone for their patience awarding Citizen of the Year

October / Fall town Meeting Prep update – not much to add – Travis indicated town website had all material uploaded as well as supporting documentation.  Warrant, articles, comments are all included and pending finance committee recommendations. October 6th is the deadline for completion.  Postcards are being mailed to all residents and ask for patience and has a QR code for accessing materials as well as instructions for requesting written copies if necessary. 5.700 mailings were done at a lower cost than anticipated.

There were some questions outstanding regarding Woodland/Washington Street trucks that may still require addressing. People should understand McMann report is recommendations and not necessarily the implementation of these recommendations. Ms. Hein reminded everyone that the signalization discussion regarding Washington/Woodland has been ongoing and while it’s included in the report it is important to remember that these are recommendations and not all recommendations may be accepted.  It is important that residents understand this is a temporary solution and not intended to be a permanent solution.

  • Warrant – approved unanimously

Public Comments

  • Trash and recycle delayed one day due to October 9th holiday
  • Mudville block party was a huge success

Tom and Anne Chipman — Article 6 – SB comments reference McMann identified lack of signal as prime reason why vehicles are using other means of accessing industrial park. This was not found in the report. Further comments indicate McMann indicated temporary signals would be helpful regarding flow but there is no indication they suggested this either.

Travis Ahern — incidents which were brought to light which are still being investigated regarding anti-Semitic materials were found and is being investigated between Holliston PD and Resource Officer from the schools. Press release has been sent to parties (read here). Staff member also found materials and turned them in as well.

Tina Hein – statement is fully endorsed by the Select Board. Holliston is committed to being an inclusive community where everyone feels safe and welcome. Hate speech will not be tolerated. We appreciate the resources being applied to get to the bottom of this incident.

Normal Business Updates

Sustainability coordinator is vacant, and we had two submissions. The names of two candidates have been submitted for feedback. At this time we will be putting this on a future agenda. Next meeting will be 10/11 due to the holiday.

Lot of positive information regarding this process. School zone feedback signs have been installed. Highland Street safety zone discussion will likely take place right after the town meeting.  Norfolk/Franklin traffic study came back we are checking this due to water/sidewalk upgrades. We will work on the recommendations and final report in November.

Tina Hein asked if the feedback process will delay the project at all. Timing may not be good prior to November 1 per Travis.

Follow up discussion regarding 20 Cross Street, DPW facility. Still waiting for land court to approve. Need to make sure there are no public safety hazards.  More to come on that.

RVP Grant has been granted ($8,400) up about 15 percent over last year. This is for sustainability projects, and we’ll make sure the next coordinator is up to speed on that. It appears the program has gained popularity, and this accounts for the

MIIA Quote Request we use that to insure town buildings/vehicles, etc. They are a liability provider for municipalities including health insurance. The quote has been competitive for health coverage, but we will have to request a rate based on a SB vote. Motion would be “to seek quote from MIIA” specifically “Select Board to request health insurance quote for a 7/1/24 effective date”. Passed unanimously.

Appointments: Holliston Cable Access (Heather Scaringella) through 2026 and Community Farm (Laura Ziman) through 2024– both appointments passed unanimously.

Four EMT appointments Rachel Crawford, Shae Sweeney, Ryan Sullivan, Jason Rogers through June 2024.

Other Business

Wednesday is Walk to school day – Hope to see crowds at Blair Square on Wednesday!

Meeting adjourned 7:45

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One thought on “Select Board Recap 10/02/23

  1. Congratulations, Doreen and Dick! You make Holliston proud through your generosity of time and volunteer efforts.

    Tina Hein
    Vice Chair, Select Board

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