Select Board Talks 300th Celebration – and other Town Business

The Holliston Select Board (SB) held its weekly meeting on Monday, April 11, 2022.  Chair Tina Hein called the session to order at 7:00pm.  The first order of business was 300th Anniversary Preparation with Celebrate Holliston.

Lisa Deering, Kathy Shore, and Theresa Lamkin (below) enthusiastically shared some preliminary ideas regarding celebrating Holliston’s Past, Present, and Future that re-ignites Town pride.  Several events held during the 275th anniversary were big hits and likely to return.  A day at Lake Winthrop is planned to highlight this Town jewel.

The Celebrate Holliston team sees itself as a linking resource working with any and all groups and individuals who want to be part of the 14-month-long series of events and experiences.  A 300th Anniversary website will be up and running soon.  In the meantime, interested parties should use the Contact Us link on the existing Celebrate Holliston website – >

The SB offered its full support for the celebration.  Mr. Cronin has acquired a calendar of events planned for another town’s anniversary celebration.  He will share with the group soon.

An article on the May Town Meeting Warrant establishes a fund to collect funds from all donors and appoints the Select Board as the entity to handle all legalities.

Review Host Community Agreement (HCA) with Good Feels, Inc. at 72 Jeffrey Ave.

Good Feels, Inc. CEO Jason Reposa and Director of Finance and Administration Bella Gelman (below right) were joined by counsel representing the Applicant and the Town to discuss amended language in the HCA between Good Feels (a cannabis infused seltzer manufacturer) and Holliston.

Attorney Leslie Haskins (below left) representing Good Feels, Inc. and Attorney Elizabeth Lydon (below right) representing Holliston’s Town Counsel, shared the proposed amended language.  Previously in early February 2022, the SB authorized the Town Administrator to work with Counsel to craft a HCA between Good Feels, Inc. and the Town.  Discussions among those parties brough three points to the SB on Monday evening: capping the applicant’s Community Impact Fee, a provision for shard space in the building at 72 Jeffrey, and 7 am – 9pm operations M-F. 

The SB had no objections to the second and third points.  As no other current HCA between Holliston and other cannabis cultivators / manufacturers contain language that caps the Community Impact Fee to less than 3% of sales.  The SB did not want to set precedent that is different from other HCAs in place in town.  The SB directed the parties (who all expressed great willingness to work as good partners) to continue discussions to find language that all parties can accept.

COVID-19 Community update / ARPA Programmatic update

Fire Chief Michael Cassidy (above right) presented the following request for ARPA funds.  The request was recommended unanimously by the ARPA Steering Group.  This request has been reworked and refined over the past nine months to ameliorate the early concerns regarding the Town’s liability.

  • Council on Aging – $75,000 from ARPA funds.  Thanks to Senior Center Director Lisa Borchetta who worked with several parties to form a partnership with the Metrowest / Greater Worcester Habitat for Humanity (HfH) affiliate to provide essential safety and livability repairs to allow qualified Holliston Seniors to age-in-place.  This program will be administered by HfH who has extensive experience in critical home repairs.  In the first year, HfH expects to be able to handle 5-6 such projects.  Similar to the Rent / Mortgage assistance program administered through Youth & Family Services using CARES Act funds, qualified safety projects in this program could receive up to $15,000.  HfH does the admin and the labor, Holliston pays for the work using ARPA funds.  As those assembled said, “this is a strategic use of ARPA funds that will be transformative for Holliston’s senior community.”  The SB unanimously approved the request – with hopes that this will be phase one of a very successful program.
  • Any other items of interest – Mr. Ahern shared the updated chart illustrating what funds have been approved and those remaining (the second half of the ARPA funds should arrive in June or July of this year).

Warrants: The SB approved two warrants: $1,795,424.14 (weekly) and $2,800 for Holliston’s Veterans’ District membership.

FY2023 Operating Budget & Capital Review & Deliberation

The SB is waiting to see how department budgets settle out over the next couple of weeks.  Members of the SB are looking for creative ideas that will bring the budget into balance prior to Town Meeting.  There are no changes in the Capital Budget items / total.  The Finance Committee is meeting Tuesday (tonight).  A Finance Committee recommended budget could be voted on at that meeting.

2022 Annual Town Meeting – Warrant Review & Deliberation

Mr. Ahern shared the listing of 42 (not a typo) Articles to be attended to at the May Town Meeting.  He sees the potential for some consent agenda votes as indicated below.  With the Town Meeting starting at 7:00pm, perhaps the Town’s business can be completed in one night?

The Board voted to Open the Warrant for the purpose of changing Article language.  Article 35 was changed from a presentation of proposed changes to the Special Act of 1994 to a Report from the Governance Committee.  The SB voted 2 – 1 (Mr. Cronin dissenting) to make the language change.  With no other changes needed, the SB voted to reclose the Warrant.

Public Comment:

  • Mr. Cronin – None
  • Mr. Sparrell – None
  • Mrs. Hein:
    • Congratulations to R.A.M.S. student Caitlin Blois who placed first in a recent national competition
    • There will be a scrap metal recycling day at the Marshall St. center on Saturday, April 23rd.  Hint, it’s just a day after Earth Day!
  • Public – None

Comments from Town Administrator:

  • The inter-municipal agreement entered into on February 28 with the Town of Medway for the temporary provision of Emergency Medical Dispatch (EMD) services concluded on April 1. The Holliston Fire Department is once again the designated EMD Resource by the State 911 Department for medical 911 calls received in the Town of Holliston.
  • Held a kickoff meeting with Lombardo Engineering related to the Wastewater Treatment Plant feasibility study recently awarded by the SB.
  • A future agenda item will be about how the Town can save natural gas costs.
  • A memo has been drafted and will be distributed to staff proposing the title of Finance Director be added to the existing Treasurer / Collector role as outlined in the Consolidated Personnel By-law article at the May Town Meeting.

Board Business:

  • Approved an Event Permit for Zelus Beer Garden 05/15/22 at the Historical Society from noon to 8 p.m.
  • Approved an Event Permit for Memorial Day Parade and Ceremony Monday May 30, 2022 – Starting at 11 a.m.
  • Approved minutes from the March 14, 2022, Board meeting.
  • Accepted a Grant Award – Automated External Defibrillator (AED) $2,500 to Holliston Fire from the Exec. Office of Public Safety and Security department of Grants and Research.

Other Business: None

A motion to adjourn was passed at 9:14pm.  Next week’s Select Board meeting will be on Tuesday, April 19, 2022.

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