Significant Traffic Pattern Change – Coming Soon

If you have recently been at the intersections of Highland and Prentice and Highland and Hollis, you have probably seen some flashing lights announcing a traffic pattern change. The changes were recommended by the Traffic Advisory Committee and approved by the Select Board at its June 27, 2022, meeting.

It reads “Traffic Pattern Change – COMING SOON”
Note to self: Not all letters on flashing signs appear in one snapshot.

The new signage is in place and currently covered with black plastic. In the not-too-distant future the plastic will be removed and the new solar-powered LED Stop Signs at the aforementioned intersections will create an all-way stop at EACH intersection.

Red Lines indicate the LED Stop Signs; Yellow lines indicate the Stop Ahead signs

Please be extra vigilant as you drive through these intersections in the coming days: crews will be in the area putting the final touches on, and the new traffic pattern will require time for learning and extra patience. Hopefully, the learning curve will have passed before the schools reopen.

4 thoughts on “Significant Traffic Pattern Change – Coming Soon

  1. Actually the Traffic Advisory Committee accepted a petition in-full from a concerned neighbor and then took that petition to the Select Board who then passed the recommendation.

    Then it went back to the Traffic Advisory Committee who then try to modify the previously accepted petition.

    Never a dull moment….

  2. Are we sure that there are enough stop signs here? Start a count on the increase in the number of rear-enders, especially heading south on Highland before Hollis.

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