This is the first of a periodic series highlighting some of the Holliston Rules and Orders. The Traffic Rules and Orders are authorized by the Select Board (aka Highway Surveyors), maintained by the Town Clerk, and enforced by the Holliston Police Department.
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has traffic standards that serve as the basis for the test to obtain a driver’s license. Holliston Rules and Orders add specific regulations for vehicle operation within our community.
Most people around the world recognize the sign below. No U turn – meaning a continuous turn that changes the direction of travel.
The picture below shows two signs and where they are in town. In Holliston, what do these two signs mean?
These two signs work in tandem to mean that there is no U Turn anywhere between the two signs, i.e., through downtown.
No hooking a “Uwe” from one side of Washington to the other like below!
If you would like to learn more about U turns and the many other requirements for legal vehicle operation in Holliston, please click here -> Holliston Traffic Rules and Orders
Next up – No Parking (sounds simple, but not always).
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The pickup/trailer combo should constitute a double Uwe.
“These two signs work in tandem to mean that there is no U Turn anywhere between the two signs”. Good luck enforcing that. What about drivers entering from any of the side streets? How would they know? More like “No u-turn within sight of either sign.
I learned yesterday that some folks are not sure how the multi-way stop signs at Hollis/Highland/Prentice work. First come? Or just taking turns? Car to right has right-of-way? Can you help, HR, please?
The first to arrive at the stop has the right to go first, if all arrive at the same time then the car to the right goes first.
If four cars arrive at the same time I am not sure who goes first or if they just stay at the stop sign until the end of time?
From the following Massachussetts State website –
“At intersections with stop signs in all directions, you must yield right-of-way to…1) a vehicle that has already come to a complete stop or 2) a vehicle to your right that has stopped at the same time as you.”
Also encouraged…making eye contact with the driver in the other vehicle to judge intention and avoid crashes.