Tina Hein Resumes Office Hours

town of holliston

After a 2.5-year pandemic pause, Tina Hein of the Holliston Select Board is starting up open office hours again beginning THIS Monday, November 7, 2022.

She will be available every Monday from 6:00 pm to 6:45 pm in the Upper Town Hall meeting room. With advance notice, translation services are available.

Ms. Hein’s email address is heint@holliston.k12.ma.us.

Publishers’ Note: Select Board Chair Ben Sparrell holds a “Select Chat” on the first Friday of each month. This is open to citizens of all ages and is an opportunity to informally speak with Mr. Sparrell on any and all topics related to Holliston. The session takes place at the Holliston Senior Center at 9:30am. Check the Holliston Happenings calendar each month for the exact date / time.

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