The Holiday Party at the Senior Center

Holliston Reporter

Nothing says, “Let’s Party” like a smiling elf with blinking glasses greeting you upon arriving!

Sr. Ctr. Director Linda Marshall greeted guests as they arrived. When asked where she finds her outfits, she replied “here and there – these things speak to me.” The voice she might be hearing could be from the elf that appears to have landed upside down in her hat.
A sea of red – with a smattering of Santa hats. As always, this party is one not to miss drawing a full house of joyful revelers.
While Linda Marshall is the Head Elf, Neil and Diane Svendsen are the Head Chefs. (Don’t you love it when couples wear matching lights!) Neil and his crew served up the delicious roast pork meal prepared by Oliva’s in Milford. Dessert came from Gaetano’s – with a discounted price tag – thank you!
The ‘house band’ better known as the Tune Timers kept the dance floor busy.

Many thanks to the staff and volunteers at the Senior Center for making sure that everyone went home pleasantly full and – some lucky folks left with a center piece (provided by the Holliston Garden Club) or other door prize.

Events like this increase the likelihood of HAPPY holidays.

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