On Saturday, December 7th, Ben Crea of Boy Scout Troop 76 in Holliston, was awarded the rank of Eagle Scout, the highest Boy Scout rank. The Eagle Scout Court of Honor ceremony took place at the Medway VFW. Ben is the only scout in his troop and the only scout in Holliston to attain the rank this year.
Ben began his journey to Eagle Scout when he first entered scouting in third grade. Boy Scouts of America has seven ranks: Scout, Tenderfoot, First Class, Second Class, Star, Life and Eagle. Approximately 6% of those eligible reach the highest rank. Some of the qualities an Eagle Scout is expected to display include loyalty, courage, cheerfulness and service. When introducing Ben, one of his fellow scouts described him as a “leader and advisor,” a “reliable guide who can be trusted,” “funny,” “smart” and a “problem solver who is always prepared.”
The formal ceremony began when the color guard advanced the colors down the center aisle. Two members of the color guard escorted Ben to his place of honor, where candles representing scouting (one candle), the duties of a scout (three candles), and the qualities of a scout (multiple candles) were then lit. An Eagle Scout’s mother pins the award on the scout’s uniform and his father presents him with the official certificate.
Needless to say, Ben’s parents, Lea and Tom, are very proud of their son’s achievements in scouting – and other aspects of his life. Those in attendance included his family and friends and members of his pack, troop and the Metacomet District in the Mayflower Council, which follows the Boy Scout model of being “Boy Led/Adult Guided.”
Bruce Wood led the ceremony that included a heartfelt speech by Ben’s father. Ben thanked his parents, scoutmasters, and fellow scouts. He encouraged those scouts planning to pursue the rank of Eagle not to wait on starting their culminating project, which must be completed by the age of 18. Ben’s project included updating and cleaning veterans’ burial sites at Lake Grove Cemetery, which he did with the sponsorship and support of Holliston’s VFW Post 8507.
After the ceremony I had a chance to talk with Ben. He said he first wanted become an Eagle Scout when he first entered scouting in elementary school. He found his final service project to be the most challenging requirement. Another challenge along the way was giving a speech, which is a requirement of some of the badges scouts seek to obtain. He was thankful he had listened to the advice given to him to get an early start on choosing and planning for the final project, and he noted that scouting has been, and continues to be, an important part of his life.
Those interested in finding out more about Holliston Troop 76 can visit its website: https://troop76holliston.trooptrack.com/share/pages/23193 and/or www.BeAScout.org.
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