The Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) remote meeting was called to order Monday evening at 7:06 PM, followed by a vote to approve October 2020 minutes and a brief greeting with Matt Putvinski, potential member of the Committee.
Jaclyn Winer, Director of Youth and Family Services, presented the Director’s report for November. She began by recognizing YAC member John Drohan as one of the Select Board’s Humanitarian Awardees who was absent from tonight’s meeting as he was being recognized by the Select Board.
Winer said that she and the staff of YFS are noting an increase in the need for their services during this time of COVID19. In November the Holliston Community Action Fund paid a total of $1,216.07towards utilities assistance for community members in need.
Additionally, a second round of applications (open and rolling until December 1, 2020) for Rent and Mortgage relief is now underway, thanks to the Select Board’s October 27, 2020, approval of $25,000 in funding for this purpose. Priority is being given to families. For more information:
On Thursday, November 19, 2020, the YFS and Holliston Drug and Alcohol Awareness Coalition are sponsoring a virtual via Zoom event —“Moving Forward with Hope: An interfaith Prayer Service for Recovery and Addiction.” Dr. Thomas Kimball, Director of the Center for Collegiate Recovery Communities, will discuss the road to recovery and how to provide support for those impacted by substance use disorder. (See Holliston Reporter article: )
In October, the YAC approved a proposal to request the funding of a grant writer. This request was brought forward to both the Select Board and the Finance Committee, who are supporting its inclusion in Article 1 (Budget Adjustment) of the December 5, 2020 Town Meeting. Should the town approve this item, the town will then be in a position to pursue Drug Free Community funding.
Winer briefly noted the data within her monthly report. Data collected includes numbers of referrals, HCAF requests, Rent and Mortgage requests, and activities performed daily by staff and interns.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:33. The YAC meets again on Monday, December 14, 2020.
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