The Select Board’s weekly meeting kicked off at 7:00 pm with Chair John Cronin calling the meeting to order. He noted the absence of Vice-Chair Tina Hein who is vacationing.
Emergency Management Director, Fire Chief Michael Cassidy was in his traditional lead off position on the agenda. He gave the following update:
- There are currently 0 Active cases in Holliston
- He commended citizens for their vigilance and reminded all that we need to keep up the good work
- He noted that the MA Dept of Public Health lists Holliston with 64 total cases while Town records indicate 63. The Town website will be updated to reflect the DPH number and he will try to reconcile the discrepancy.
- He noted the people are being creative to do business and personal events within the newly reduced guidelines.
- The State has issued a due date for financial reporting of CARES Act expenditures – but no guidance on necessary data or format yet. The first quarterly report is due in September.
- Cassidy and Town Administrator, Travis Ahern shared a draft of what a Town report for use by all Town entities could use to track expenses might look like. The Board provided feedback.
- Approximately ½ of the $1.3 Million allocation received has been allocated. Mr. Cronin pointed out that the Schools are still working on the financial implications of opening with a hybrid model. Schools are also eligible for other aid beyond the CARES Act that could cover those as yet unknown costs.
- Mr. Cronin asked that a flow chart be developed to illustrate to Town departments the proper process for CARE Act requests.
The Board approved a warrant of $1,162,099.23.
The was No Public Comment from those assembled in person or on the remote meeting.
Report of the Town Administrator:
- DPW Director, Sean Reese updated the Board on several water related topics:
- The impact of citizen compliance with the current water restrictions has been noticed in the amount of water in the Town’s storage tanks. Currently, all water needs are being met and the system is pumping at 50% capacity. Recent tests of the Town’s wells show a dramatic drop in the aquifer level throughout town. He reinforced his compliments to the citizens for abiding by conservation measures.
- The application for State funding for the new Central Street water treatment plant has been submitted well in advance of the filing deadline. We will hear State’s decision in Jan 2021. The project timeline will be updated soon on the Town website for citizen viewing.
- The Cedar Street neighborhood water main installation is complete, on schedule and on budget. The contractor is now working on Hanlon Street.
- Mr. Ahern shared the following:
- The Town Clerk’s office has mailed out 3,153 ballots that were requested by Holliston voters. This was thanks to the Clerk’s staff and volunteers. If there are any errors, please call 508.429.0601. Ballots may be returned to the silver box attached near the Town Hall back door – until the new dedicated ballot box is installed. Additional information about voting can be found here ->
- No bids were received for the Town Hall door replacement project. Mr. Ahern will review the bid request to ensure there is nothing discouraging responses. A third request will go out shortly.
- Ahern reminded all about the public virtual forum regarding traffic in and around the Lowland Industrial Park – NEXT TUEDAY at 7:00 pm. A BlackBoard Connect alert went out this afternoon to residents in that area.
Stipend Sub-committee:
The Board Clerk, Ben Sparrell read the profile and charter, drafted by Mr. Ahern, for the new committee. It will be a five-member committee. The committee’s recommendations are due to the Select Board no later than January 4, 2021. Citizens who are not currently on a board or committee, who are interested in serving, please contact Mr. Ahern.
Trail Easement: Deferred to a future meeting.
Capital Request Policy Update: The Board deferred action until the Board and Finance Committee can sync up on how this policy relates to the Capital Improvement Plan.
The Board acknowledged August 18, 1920 as the date that the 19th Amendment was approved by 38 states thus leading to its adoption later in 1920. Did you know that in recent Presidential elections more women than men voted? Mr. Sparrell encouraged everyone to exercise the right and responsibility to vote in upcoming elections. More information about the observance of this historic anniversary can be found at
The Board approved a letter to the State DOT regarding several prioritized highway improvements in Holliston. The Board authorized Mr. Ahern to send the letter to Representative Carolyn Dykema.
Board Business:
- The Board approved the appointment of Melissa Fornagiel as an on-call EMT with the HFD
- The Board approved the appointment of Travis Ahern to nine Town roles (these are enumerated in the meeting agenda.
- The Board approved, with minor edits, the minutes from the June 29, 2020 meeting.
Other Business:
- None from those present or on the remote meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 8:05 pm
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