Town Meeting Takes Care of All Business in One Night

This is the first of two reports on the Spring 2022 Town Meeting. This report is the “short form” that tracks the actions taken relative to each of the 41 Articles on the Warrant. A more detailed narrative – with pictures will be posted on Friday, May 13, 2022.

Moderator William Mayer noted that a quorum had been achieved at 7:10 pm and called the meeting to order. A moment of silence was observed for the recent passing of retired Fire Chief Ray Moloney.

The table below tracks the outcomes of each item and a brief description of the action taken. Voice votes (symbolized by – V) on the table, were used in all but two cases during the Town’s deliberations.

Action concluded and Mr. Mayer thanked all who attended and called for a motion to adjourn.

The meeting was gaveled to a close at 10:05 pm (not a typo). Stay tuned for the more detailed report in the Holliston Reporter on Friday.

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