VFW Post Honors Patriot’s Pen Essay Contest Winners

Holliston Reporter

“What Makes America Great?” That was the question posed to middle schoolers last fall.  How would you respond?

Each year the largest and oldest war veterans service organization in the United States, the Veterans of Foreign Wars sponsors a written essay contest for 6th, 7th and 8th grade students called Patriot’s Pen. The national first place winner is awarded $5,000. Entries are submitted at the Post level, which for Holliston is Leonard D. Chesmore Post 8507. Winners at Post level advance to District. District level winners advance to State and State level winners go on to National in Washington, D.C.

This year Post 8507 had seven essays submitted for consideration. On January 16th Post 8507 held a pizza party at the Senior Center for the students who entered and their families. All were able to attend, along with approximately 12 members of our local VFW.

Writers (L – R) Megan Monahan, Logan Mankos, Aditya Gupta, Mia Corrou, Sydney Comeau, Hannah Devine, and Caroline White. Post Vice Commander Peter Guelnitz is in the second row.

The competition was close. Caroline White won first place. Michelle (Mia) Corrou came in second and Aditya Gupta was 3rd. This year the first place post-level prize was $300. The second place prize was $200 and third place $100. The other students, Sydney Comeau, Hannah Devine, Logan Mankos and Megan Monahan, were awarded $25 gift cards.

I attended the pizza party and had the pleasure of sitting with the Devine family. Post Commander Dave de Ganne was the master of ceremonies. Post Vice-Commander Peter Guelnitz coordinated the contest at the post level, announced the winners and awarded the prizes.

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