Bob Hopkins, member of the Council on Aging, called the meeting to order in the absence of K. Robert Malone, Chair. Linda Marshall, Director of the Senior Center, presented the Director’s Report and the FY 2021 budget proposal.
Building issues in the report included updates on the need for selected ceiling tile replacement in the kitchen and dining room, painting of the new window frames in the great hall and reception area, and the installation of curtain rods and drapes throughout the building.
The Superette donated another $400. from their front counter container. The Cultural Council has funded a performance for the Summer Sizzler event, as well as partially funding two other events: Valentine’s and Thanksgiving performances.
Town Clerk Elizabeth Greendale presented information about the 2020 Federal Census on the afternoon of January 23. The importance of completing this Census was emphasized to seniors present since Census numbers determine and impact funding for the town and specifically the Senior Center for the next 10 years: that is, until the 2030 Census!
The Council approved the FY2021 budget of $255,277, by unanimous vote. Linda Marshall and Bob Hopkins had a meeting scheduled with members of the Finance Committee on Friday, January 24, to present this budget.
The next meeting of the Council on Aging is scheduled for February 12, at 1:00 PM, at the Senior Center on Goulding Street.
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